
zhǔ xuán lǜ
  • theme;melody;motive
主旋律 [zhǔ xuán lǜ]
  • (1) [theme]∶一部音乐作品或乐章的旋律主题

  • (2) [motive]∶在一部音乐作品或一个乐章行进过程中再现或变奏的主要乐句或音型

主旋律[zhǔ xuán lǜ]
  1. 第一乐章以缓慢的主旋律开始。

    A slow theme introduces the first movement .

  2. GB:为什么“客户成功”是您销售模型中的哲学,并且您是如何在该主旋律下稳固住企业文化的?

    GB : Why was " customer success " the overarching philosophy in your selling model and how did you anchor the company 's culture in that theme ?

  3. 主旋律由两支单簧管奏出。

    The melodic line is carried by the two clarinets .

  4. 电影音乐要想让人记住不难,因为它的主旋律贯穿影片始终。

    Movie music can be made memorable because its themes are repeated throughout the film .

  5. 7.Thisisthesimilarcasewith/when这恰如;正如;也会(比较类经典句)这恰如我们虽然看不懂莫扎特乐曲的总谱,却照样能同它的主旋律产生共鸣,击节称赞。

    This is the similar case when the main melody can evoke6 a strong echo for us to clap our hands in admiration7 despiteour disability to understand the score of Mozart ’ s musical pieces .

  6. 基于分层次聚类的MIDI音乐主旋律提取方法

    Melody extraction method of MIDI music files based on layer clustering

  7. 基于音轨特征量的多音轨MIDI主旋律抽取方法

    Melody Extraction Method from Polyphonic MIDI Based on Melodic Features

  8. 反对垄断、维护竞争,是市场经济的内在需求,是WTO规则的实质性要求,也是当今世界经济发展的主旋律。

    Fighting against monopoly to protect competition is the instinct demand of market economy , the reflection of WTO regulations , also the melody of the times in the world .

  9. 演变是未来通信网络发展的主旋律,未来通信网络将会演变成有线网络和无线网络融合的全IP通信网。

    Evolution is the main theme of the development of future communication networks . The future communication networks will evolve into an all-IP network where wired and wireless networks converge .

  10. 如今,这种忧虑还没有严重到全面影响达沃斯欢乐气氛的程度:正如我的同事马丁沃尔夫(martinwolf)上周四所说的那样,主旋律仍是乐观。

    Now , this anxiety is not serious enough to damp the party mood in Davos entirely : as Martin wolf , my colleague , observed on Thursday , the dominant tone remains optimistic .

  11. 主要包括MIDI音乐基本特征数据的提取、主旋律音轨的自动定位、乐句的智能划分和音乐情感的识别。

    It mainly includes : extracting basic musical characteristics from MIDI music , main melody track orientation automatically , phrase intelligent partition and music emotion recognition .

  12. 本文具体阐述了MIDI音乐库主旋律提取方法和哼唱特征包含基频和音符在内的特征提取和处理方法,通过实验得出特征提取效果。

    The paper describes the melody extraction of MIDI music database and humming feature including pitch and note extraction and processing , we make an assessment of the feature extraction by experiment .

  13. 不远的将来,3G数据业务的爆炸式增长将带来电信市场整体规模的扩大,不同制式网络的技术和产业链之间的竞争将是后重组时代电信市场竞争的主旋律。

    In the near future , the explosive growth of 3G data services will lead the expansion of the telecommunication market , the competition between different standard network technologies and the industrial chain will be the main theme of telecommunication competition market in the beyond-restructure era .

  14. 指出了ICF是王淦昌科学生涯后期30多年的主旋律以及他最出色的科学贡献当数开创ICF。

    And showed that the ICF was few scientific topics that was set up first by Chinese scientists over the world , and was his main melody of life and brilliant contribution to science in his late 30 years research career .

  15. 当代民粹主义思潮的流变&《当代思想史》片断论鲁迅改造国民性思想的主旋律

    On the Theme of Lu Xun 's Thought of Remolding Nationalism

  16. 素质教育吹响了中国教育和教学改革的主旋律。

    The quality-oriented education has promoted Chinese education and teaching reform .

  17. 优胜劣汰是市场竞争的主旋律

    Survival of the fittest is main melody in the market competition

  18. 发展是硬道理,变化是主旋律。

    Development is a hard , change is the main theme .

  19. 融合是未来网络发展的主旋律。

    Convergence is the main direction of networks in the future .

  20. 快乐教学应成为高校体育的主旋律

    Happy Teaching Must be the Main Melody in College Sports Education

  21. 经济已然成为我们这个时代的主旋律。

    The economy has been the main stream of this era .

  22. 发展和谐社会是我国社会发展的主旋律。

    The development harmoniously society is the main melody of our country .

  23. 公平是人类社会追求和发展的主旋律。

    Justice is the mainstream trend of human society pursuit and development .

  24. 人的发展是教育的主旋律,语文教育与人的发展的关系最为密切。

    The essence of education is to facilitate human development .

  25. 打击乐器多作为主旋律的节奏型伴奏。

    Percussion instruments are usually employed in the accompaniment of main melody .

  26. 竞争是新世纪的主旋律。

    - The competition will be the main theme within new century .

  27. 多元化与主旋律&与陈文高先生商榷

    Diversification and Central Theme & Deliberate with Mr. Chen Wen-gao

  28. 绿色营销:21世纪营销的主旋律

    Green Marketing : The Main Melody of the 21-Century Marketing

  29. 啊,为了等待上帝的主旋律!

    Oh , for the tonic of waiting upon God !

  30. “绿”也是春天的主旋律。

    " Green " is also the main theme of the spring .