
zhǔ cóng
  • principal bundle
主丛[zhǔ cóng]
  1. 文章讨论了李群胚作为丛的一些性质,得出李群胚的内子群胚是主丛的结论;

    In this paper , we discussed some properties of Lie groupoids as a bundle , and obtained the conclusion that its Inner subgroupoids is a principal bundle .

  2. Planck长度和统一引力&电磁的五维U1主丛理论

    Planck length and the five-dimensional principal u_1-bundle theory unifying gravitation and electromagnetism

  3. 本文从最一般形式的主丛右移不变度规出发,得到规范场主丛的Riemann-Christoffel标量曲率。

    Starting from the most general form of the right-translation invariant metric on a principal fibre bundle , we obtain its Riemann-Christoffel scalar curvature .

  4. 本文假设时空具有内部结构,建立于主丛P(M,G),在群G上选取与时空点有关的度量ψ(ij)(x)。

    This article assume that space-time has internal structure . The principle bundle P ( M , G ) is set up . We select the metric ij ( X ) which is connected with the point of space time on the group G.

  5. 利用内外指标的对偶运算及(反)自对偶运算的统一定义,将su(2,21)主丛联络作为基本场变量来构建自对偶的共形超引力拉氏函数。

    On the basis of a unified definition of the dual operation and the ( anti ) self dual operation , the connections of the su ( 2,2 | 1 ) main cluster was used as the fundamental field variables to construct the self dual Lagrangian of conformal supergravity .

  6. 有关主丛截面定理的应用

    Application of Section Theorem of Principal Bundies

  7. 关于黎曼空间的切纤维丛主丛与刚体运动

    ON THE BUNDLES OF ORIENTED m-PLANES OF A RIEMANN SPACE . Principal Fibre Bundle and Motion of Rigid Body

  8. 主丛右移不变度规下的标曲率和引力&规范场的统一作用量

    The Scalar Curvature of the Principal Fibre Bundle with a Right-translation Invariant Metric and the Unified Lagrangian of Gravitational-gauge Fields

  9. 第四节分别选择切丛和主丛作为系统的状态空间,根据它们的特点,建立了切丛和主丛上的微分动力系统并推导出了它们的局部坐标表示。

    In section 4 , the representations which are about local coordinate of the differential dynamic systems on principal bundle and tangent bundle are discussed .

  10. 如何从纤维丛的底空间和纤维型的黎曼度量构造丛空间的黎曼度量,接着,定理1和定理2分别给出了向量丛和主丛关于这种度量的线素。

    A new definition concerning the Riemannian metric of bundle spaces is given by using of the Riemannian metric of related base spaces and fibers . Theorem 1 and theorem 2 give the line elements of the metric for the vector bundles and for the principal bundles , respectively .

  11. 提出了多功能苗圃植物造景模式,即纯林式、主丛式、杂树式,根据不同树种的观赏特性及造景艺术要求采用不同的配置模式。

    This paper puts forward the pattern of plant landscape design of city suburb multifunctional nursery , as pure forest mode , jungle mainly mode and tree dispersion mode . The plant landscape should according to the configuration from ornamental characteristics and function of various tree species . 3 .

  12. 规范场与主纤维丛上的联络

    The Yang-Mills fields and the connections of principle fibre bundles