
  1. 南非总统祖马,也在联合国大会上致词。南非是2001年反种族主义大会的东主国。

    Also addressing the U.N. was South African president Jacob Zuma , whose country hosted the 2001 conference on racism .

  2. 让意大利的军事力量组成一个坚强的联盟以保卫意大利的独立不受大君主国的侵略,这还不能确证就是一项艰巨的任务。

    It could not have proved a difficult task to a well-organised league of Italian military powers to defend the independence of Italy against the aggression of the great monarchies .

  3. 建主我国刑事证据开示制度应由1.证据开示的主体、范围;

    To establish the system of presenting criminal evidence in our country , we should include the following three parts : 1.subject and scope .

  4. 上主在埃及国训示梅瑟和亚郎说。

    And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt .

  5. 商代前期:部落联盟共主向方国联盟共主的过渡

    The Early Period of Shang Dynasty : Transition from Collective Master of the Union Tribes to the Regional States

  6. 私营企业主是我国改革开放政策指引下发展起来的一个特殊群体。

    The owners of the private enterprises are a special group of people growing up under the policy of reform and opening up to the outside world .

  7. 本文回顾了改革开放以来私营企业和私营企业主在我国的发展轨迹以及党和政府对私营企业和私营企业主在理论认识上不断深化的过程。

    Here is a review of the course of development of private economics and private enterprise owners since the reform and opening to the outside world , and of the process of gradually deepened understanding of them on the part of the Party and government .

  8. 私营企业主是伴随我国改革开放而产生的新社会阶层,私营经济的极高成长性决定了该阶层将不断壮大之势。

    Private entrepreneurs are newly-born social stratum accompanying China 's reform and opening up to the outside world and will continue to expand because of the high growth potential of private economy .

  9. 认定财产无主程序作为我国非讼程序的组成部分,对于恢复或者重构物权法律关系具有重要的法律意义。

    The procedure of the identify the property without owner is a component of the procedure of non-defendant , it has important significance for recovery and reconstruct legal relationship of the property right .

  10. 第七位天使吹号,天上就有大声音说:世上的国成了我主和主基督的国;他要作王,直到永永远远。

    And the seventh angel sounded ; and there were great voices in heaven , saying , The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord , and of his Christ ; and he shall reign for ever and ever .

  11. 耶和华怎样与我主我王同在,愿他照样与所罗门同在,使他的国位比我主大卫王的国位更大。

    As the Lord has been with my lord the king , even so may he be with Solomon and make the seat of his authority greater than that of my lord king david .