
zhǔ zhàn
  • master station
  1. 调度自动化主站中组件和IP单播技术的应用

    Application of COM & IP Unicast Technique to Dispatch Automation Master Station

  2. 本文研究内容属横向课题基于GIS的配电自动化主站端应用系统的一部分。

    This paper is part of transverse project & Power distribution automation master station application system based on GIS .

  3. 此系统由主站Agent、子站Agent和管理Agent组成。

    This system is composed of host station Agent , local station Agent and management Agent .

  4. Web主站性能直接影响宏观网络与微观网络连通的速度,也是Web访问最容易产生瓶颈的地方。

    The performance of Web main station influences directly the connection speed of the macro network and the micro-network .

  5. 重点介绍利用G语言的特点设计分布式系统主站软件。

    It emphasizes how to use G language to design the master node software of distributed system .

  6. 这些设备以及一些具有通信功能的传感器和一个附于人体上的主站即可构成一个BAN(BodyAreaNetwork)网络,一般称之为体域网。

    These devices , with some sensors attached to the human body can constitute one BAN ( Body Area Network ) network .

  7. 基于PROFIBUS总线的单主站PLC控制系统实时性能研究

    Research on Real-time Performance of Mono-Master PLC Control System Based on PROFIBUS

  8. PC作为Profibus-DP单主站的实现

    Implementation of Profibus - DP Single Main Station by PC

  9. 在主站点上不需要同时保留这些备份,只需多花一点儿钱通过Internet发送它们。

    These backups don 't need to be redundant at the primary site and we only pay a little more to send them over the Internet .

  10. NetRemoting及其在SCADA主站系统中的应用

    NET Remoting and Its Application in SCADA Master Station System

  11. SCADA主站系统集成测试技术研究

    Research on integration testing technology for main station in SCADA system

  12. 基于ARM的PROFIBUS-DP智能主站设计

    Design of Intelligent PROFIBUS-DP Master Based on ARM

  13. 调度主站AGC软件负荷分配的研究

    Research on electric grid dispatching center AGC software load allocation

  14. 功能分布式SCADA系统主站端的实践和研究

    Practice and Research on host of functionally distributed SCADA system

  15. 基于Intranet的县调自动化主站系统软件的开发

    Development on Master Station System of Dispatching Automation in Rural Electric Networks Based on Intranet

  16. PAM:在PAM主站上了解更多信息。

    PAM : Learn more at the main PAM site .

  17. 故障区域划定后,在主站端采用改进优化型故障诊断方法,进行诊断,并生成XML格式的诊断结果。

    After demarcating the fault area , the diagnosis method of optimization model is used at primary station , which generates the result format XML .

  18. 该装置可与SCADA主站通信,完成对配网线路的各种监控功能。

    The equipment can communicate with SCADA and finish measurement and controlling function .

  19. 基于OPC的变电站自动化监控主站软件的设计思想

    Design concept of a monitoring master station software in substation automation system based on OPC

  20. 请注意在主站点上所做的任何DB2配置参数更改都必须手动应用于目标站点。

    Note that any DB2 configuration parameter changes made at the primary site must be manually applied to the target site .

  21. 主站PLC通过电台与四个单井从站通讯,形成了多级远程分布式控制系统。

    PLC of master station communicated with four single well slave stations by radio station , a multilevel remote distributed control system was formed .

  22. Profibus单主站系统实时性研究

    Research of the Real Time Property for Profibus Single Main Station System

  23. 集成以太网接口的PROFIBUS现场总线智能主站的开发

    Development on PROFIBUS Intelligent Master Integrated with Ethernet Interface

  24. 基于PROFIBUS-DP的主站与从站通信系统设计

    Design of communication system between master and slave station based on PROFIBUS-DP

  25. PROFIBUS-DP主站和从站通讯的设计与实现

    Design and Implement of Master and Slave Communication of PROFIBUS-DP

  26. 电压无功优化控制在县级SCADA主站的应用

    The Application of Optimal Control of Voltage and Reactive Power on the County SCADA Master Station

  27. 基于ARP报文的调度主站系统链路状态探测

    Link Status Detection Based on ARP Packet for Electric Power Dispatch Master Station

  28. 通讯模块是指控制器与工程师站、DP主站之间的通讯。

    Communication module is refers to communication among the controller , engineer station and DP master .

  29. 基于CIM的电网故障信息主站系统的研究

    The Study of Master Station of Power Network Fault Information System Based on Common Information Model

  30. 基于MODBUS协议的多主站技术

    Multi - Master Technology Based on MODBUS