
  • 网络Main motor
  1. 设计铺粉装置的驱动控制系统,应用可编程控制器(PLC)完成了整个装置的时序控制设计,并针对主电机进行了变频调速控制系统的软硬件设计。

    The control system of laying powder device is devised . Programmable Logic Controler ( PLC ) is used to implement the time sequence control of the entire device . The hardware and software 's design scheme of frequency control system are given for controlling the main motor .

  2. 主电机测速机械装置的改进

    Improvement of the Mechanical Speed - measuring Device for Main Motor

  3. 应用扩张状态观测器(ESO)的双通道补偿作用,将三电机系统中的主电机速度与两个张力之间的耦合影响统一视为外加扰动。

    Double channels compensation of extended state observer ( ESO ) is used and the coupling of speed and two tensions can be viewed as external disturbance .

  4. 介绍M1080无心磨床改造后,主电机功率、机构调整。

    The main electric machine power and structure adjustment of the transformed grinding machine were introduced .

  5. 从主电机功率、熔体压力、熔体温度以及切粒状况等方面研究了树脂熔体流动速率(MFR)的变化对双螺杆挤压造粒机运行工况的影响。

    The influence of variation in melt flow rate ( MFR ) of polypropylene resin on operation of the twin-screw extruder was studied , proceeding from power of host motor , melt pressure and temperature and pelletizing process .

  6. 介绍了ZL26型高速滤棒成形机组的方案设计、工艺流程、控制方案、西门子MC交流伺服系统的配置及其主电机和从动电机的技术设计。

    The filter rod making machine ZL26 was introduced , including , the scheme , technical process , control , configuration of Siemens MC AC servo system and technological design of master and slave motors .

  7. LD-120五辊冷轧管机的主要传动执行部件有主电机、皮带传动系统、回转送进箱、中间床身、主传动系统。

    The main drive actuating parts of LD-120 five-high tube cold rolling mills include the main motor , belt driving system , rotary feed-in case , intermediate bed and main driving system .

  8. 矿用电力机车主电机检修工艺改造

    Checking technology improvement on the main engine of mine electric locomotives

  9. 6000型包装机主电机制动系统的改进

    Improvement of Main Motor Braking System in Packing Machine Model 6000

  10. 渭纺机厂生产喷气织机主电机

    Weinan Textile Machinery Works Manufacturing Main Motor for Air-Jet Loom

  11. 加工中心主电机传动部件平衡问题的试验研究

    Experimental research on balancing spindle drive motor transmission parts in machining centers

  12. 主电机采用变频控制,工作稳定。

    The main motor adopts conversion control and is stable in run .

  13. 周期式轧管主电机控制系统改造探讨

    The Study on the Rebuild of Pilger Rolling Main Motor Control System

  14. φ430轧钢机主电机事故的诊断与处理

    Diagnosis and handling of the accident in 430 mill 's main motor

  15. 三起轧机主电机事故的原因分析

    The cause analysing of three accident cases of rolling mill main motor

  16. 轧制过程中主电机跳闸与技术改造

    Turning off of main motor in rolling and technological renovation

  17. 中板轧机主电机优化设计改造

    Optimized Design and Renovation for Main Drive Motor of Medium Plate Mill

  18. 主电机轴瓦异常情况分析解决办法

    Analysis and Solution with Respect to Abnormal Conditions with Main Motor Bush

  19. 轧机主电机基础动力分析

    Dynamic analysis of main motor foundation of rolling mill

  20. 铁路车辆主电机和驱动装置支撑用振动隔绝橡胶

    Rubber vibration isolators for main motor and driving gear suspensions of railway rolling stock

  21. 基于西门子S7&200的热连轧主电机润滑系统改装

    Reconstruct Lubrication System for main motor of Hot Strip Mill Based on Siemens S7-200

  22. 小型轧机主电机起动过程分析及改进

    Analysis and Improvement of Starting Process of Main Motor in a Small Rolling Mill

  23. 2机械传动系统包含有主电机,主减速箱、传动地轴等。

    The system includes main motor , main reduction gearbox , transmission shaft ect .

  24. 水泥磨水冷式大功率主电机断水保护控制电路

    Control Circuit for Water-cooled Motor of Cement Mill

  25. 清洁主电机和风扇电机;

    Cleaner main motor and fan motor ;

  26. 立铣刀渐进磨损过程中主电机功率信号的时域特性研究

    Research on Time-domain Characteristics of Spindle Motor Power Signals during Milling Cutter 's Progressive Wear-out

  27. 高炉风机主电机工作励磁、失磁保护的研究

    Research on Excitation and Non-magnetic Protectors During Operation of Main Motor of Blast Furnace Blower

  28. 大功率轧机主电机电气传动方案的分析与比较

    Analysis and Comparison of Electric Drive for the Main Motor of High Power Rolling Mill

  29. 环锭细纱机主电机起动特性与节电研究

    The Investigation Of Starting Characteristics and Power Saving of High Efficiency Motors for Ring Frame

  30. 主电机千瓦容量有10%的利润,对在一定的容量最大的消费国。

    Main motor kW capacity has10 % margin against the maximum consumption power at guaranteed capacity .