
  • 网络Charging Voltage;Charge voltage;Vdc
  1. 驻极体薄膜的表面电位与充电电压、温度、极间距离、充电时间有关,电晕充电法形成的薄膜驻极体的表面电位呈e指数衰减。

    The surface voltage of electret film have relationships with charging voltage , temperature , distances between electrodes and charging time , and will attenuate in index .

  2. 研制出了额定充电电压可达1000V的大功率、高强度、高频率的脉冲磁场发生设备。

    We developed the rated charging voltage being able to amount to 1000V big power , high strength , high frequencies of the pulse magnetic field equipment .

  3. 采用储能电容为1200μF的脉冲电源,在不同的充电电压下,对过共晶灰口铸铁进行电脉冲处理。

    Using a pulse electrical source with 1 200 μ F storage capacitance , under different charge voltages , the hypereutectic gray cast iron was treated with pulse electrical current .

  4. 利用蓄电池的充电电压和充电状态之间的关系,用蓄电池的状态估计法和倒推法,解决了均衡器中开关器件的PWM脉冲占空比的计算问题。

    Taking advantage of the relationship between the state of charges and the voltage of batteries , the duty ratio of switching device in the CEC can be calculated by using measured voltage of battery .

  5. 测控部分通过单片机完成了对IGBT通断时间的控制,对风轮转速和充电电压的数据采集、处理和显示,以及对继电器通断的控制。

    The controlled of IGBT , the collection to the data of speed and charge voltage as well as the control of the relay are completed by monitoring and control system .

  6. 对于1mm氮气间隙,计算了充电电压波形为纳秒级上升的斜角平顶波时,开关放电时延以及击穿电压随气压和充电电压上升时间的变化。

    The waveform of the voltage applied to a 1-mm nitrogen gap was assumed as a linear rising followed by a flat top .

  7. 和AGM电池相比,Gel电池电解质多、充电电压和温升低、耗水少、耐深放电、循环寿命长。

    Gel batteries have more electrolyte , lower charge voltage and working temperature , less water loss than those of AGM batteries . They are resistant to deep discharge and have long cycle life .

  8. 结合电池的充电电压,讨论了正极添加Y2O3对D型MH-Ni电池不同充电倍率下产热速率的影响。

    Combined with charging battery voltage , the effect of Y_2O_3 addition on the heat creation rate of D-type MH-Ni battery at different charging rates was also discussed .

  9. 探讨了采用锌氧化银电池做UPS电源,在恒压充电电压与放电电压极其接近的情况下,能否保证足够的充电效率,能否提供足够的充电容量。

    The results that whether the Zn-AgO battery can provide enough charge capacity and ensure enough charge efficiency were studied in the case that the charge voltage at constant voltage approached to the discharge voltage when Zn-AgO battery is used as UPS .

  10. 对本系统而言,当储能电容器组充电电压为3500V时,160g弹丸的发射速度可达24.991m/s。

    A pill of 160 grams can be accelerated to 24.991m/s when the energy storage capacitor banks are charged to 3500V .

  11. 对电池的充电电压固定于4.2V,充电电流可通过一个电阻器进行外部设置。

    The final float voltage is 4.2 V and the charge current could be programmed by an external resistor .

  12. 主要研究了高储能密度多层陶瓷电容器(MLC)在不同充放电频率、充电电压、充放电占空比和放电反峰系数等条件下的寿命特性,并对其失效机理进行分析。

    This paper mainly discusses the life characteristic and failure mechanism of the multilayer ceramic capacitor ( MLC ) under various working conditions such as charge-discharge frequency , charge voltage , charge-discharge duty radio and discharge inverse peak factor .

  13. 结果表明:正负极活性物质比为1∶3,工作电流密度为200mA/g,当Ni(OH)2的热处理时间为2h,充电电压为1.3V时,超级电容器的双电极比电容量可达71.5F/g。

    It is proved that the specific capacitance of the supercapacitor reaches 71.5 F / g under the mass ratio of 1:3 , the charge / discharge current density of 200mA / g , the annealing time of 2 hours and charge voltage of 1.3V .

  14. 此外,相比于其他金属氧化物,MnO电极材料表现出更低的充电电压,这将利于提高电池的开路电压与能量密度。

    In addition , compared with other metal oxides , MnO electrode showed a lower charging voltage , which is favorable for increasing the operation voltage and energy density when the electrode is used as an anode in full batteries .

  15. 首先用计算机同步采集弧光放电时电流和电压,观察了弧光放电时不同PFN充电电压下电流上升速率,弧光放电电阻随工作气压的变化。

    Firstly arc discharge current and voltage were acquired synchronously by computer during the arc discharge , the different current rise rate at different PFN charging voltage , and arc discharge resistor changes with different work pressure were observed .

  16. 试验采用0.12F电容组,分别在不同充电电压和不同初始压制条件下,瞬时将电能以冲击电流形式作用于压制铁粉中,压成尺寸约为Ф10mm×10mm的圆柱形压坯。

    Tests are conducted by using the capacitor bank with capacitance 0.12 Farad under conditions of different applied voltages and initial pressures . Surge current is impacted on compacted iron powder part to produce Ф 10 × 10mm cylinder .

  17. 实验结果表明:在充电电压为20kV时,71.2%的混合液比36.5%的混合液的平均击穿电压提高25.1%,平均击穿时间延长10.49%,而相对介电常数减小868%。

    Compared the mixture of 71.2 % to the mixture of 36.5 % , the results show that the breakdown strength increased 25.1 % and the breakdown time delayed 10.49 % , but the relative permittivity decreased 7.91 % .

  18. 结果表明:使用经过修饰的极片的电池内阻降低315%,5C(85A)放电容量提高200mAh,放电平台电压提高约010V,充电电压降低。

    The results demonstrated that the resistance of the battery with the modified electrode decreased 31.5 % , the discharge capacity at 5 C ( 8.5 A ) ( increased ) 200 mAh and discharge voltage platform increased about 0.10 V , the charge voltage was also decreased .

  19. 充电电压先降低后升高,而放电电压开始变化很小然后迅速下降。

    The discharge potential changes little first , then decreases promptly .

  20. 彩色广告喷墨打印机充电电压驱动技术

    Technique of generating charging voltage for color poster ink-jet printing

  21. 在引擎运转时,电池电压感应输入高于标准充电电压。

    Battery voltage sense input above target charging voltage during engine operation .

  22. 充电电压对蓄电池寿命的影响研究

    The effect of the charging voltage on the the life of storage battery

  23. 充电电压对铅蓄电池及其电极性能的影响

    Effect of charge voltage on performance of lead acid storage battery and its electrodes

  24. 从理论上分析了充电电压、回路参数与放电电流幅值、放电周期之间的关系。

    The relationship among charge voltage , circuit parameter and value of discharge current was analyzed .

  25. 设计带修调的高精度带隙电压基准,满足锂离子电池对充电电压的严格要求;

    A high-accuracy band-gap voltage reference circuit using trimming meets the critical voltage requirement of Li-Ion batteries .

  26. 关于负极膨胀剂及有机膨胀剂(三)&蓄电池充电电压的确定

    Studies on negative expanders and organic expanders ( 3 ) & Determination of charge voltage of batteries

  27. 讨论了储能电容、器件的电感和充电电压对激光脉冲的影响。

    Effects of energy-storing capacitance and inductance and charging voltage of devices on laser pulses are discussed .

  28. 得到了放电击穿时间、放电峰值电流随充电电压、不同气体介质变化的曲线;

    The discharge breakdown time , peak current as a function of charge voltage and buffer gas are obtained .

  29. 同时,需要实时检测充电电压、电流及温度,用以对蓄电池进行过压过流及温度保护。

    At the same time , over-voltage protection , over-current protection and temperature protection is necessary for battery real-time .

  30. 研究了放电峰值电流和平均阻抗与充电电压和气体压力的关系。

    The discharge peak currents and corresponding impedances of laser cavity at various charge voltages and gas pressures were studied .