
  1. 分析表明,实现充分就业目标的投资率高低取决于经济自然增长率和技术上可行的投资生产率,但主要取决于后者。

    As the analysis shows , the technical feasible investment productivity and the natural economic growth rate are determined the capital formation rate that realize the full employment , but mainly depend on the latter .

  2. 通过相应的法律法规建设,加强职业培训和职业咨询工作,建立健全社会保障和保险制度,积极培育和发展人才市场并实施积极的财政政策,这一群体及时、充分就业目标是能够实现的。

    These measures including : building the according legal system , developing the vocational training and vocational consultation , fulfilling the social security system , cultivating the personal market , and actualizing active finance policies .

  3. 本文创造性地提出了东北地区实现充分就业目标的基本思路,重点论述了确定适当充分就业目标的内涵、理论与实际上的依据;

    This paper creatively brings up the basic ideas as to the ways of achieving the aim of employment in the Northeast and elaborates emphatically the connotation , theoretical and practical foundation of the proper and efficient employment target .

  4. 在这一阶段,由于经济发展处于黄金时期,失业率较低,英国充分就业的目标得以实现。

    Benefiting from golden age of economy and low unemployment , Britain government 's goal of full employment was realized .

  5. 以充分就业为目标制定直接的货币和财政政策,不要因为担心我们会一夜之间变成魏玛德国,就去把经济保持在萧条的状态。

    direct monetary and fiscal policy toward full employment , as opposed to keeping the economy depressed out of fear that we 'll suddenly turn into Weimar Germany .

  6. 对在二十一世纪前期的我国治理失业的总体目标作了概括,提出了分三阶段实现比较充分就业的目标的思路,提出了多方面的失业治理对策。

    It sums up the Chinese overall goal to control unemployment in the 21 early century , raising the thinking to realize full employment by three phases and policies to control unemployment .

  7. 因此,我国要摆脱高增长、低就业的困境,必须使经济增长与充分就业两大目标相容。

    Consequently , it is important to realize the compatibility of economy increase and sufficient employment .

  8. 江西要“在中部崛起”,必须实现“发展经济,充分就业”的目标。

    Jiangxi must reach the goal of " developing economy and full employment " and can emerge in the central region .

  9. 目前我看不出有必要让货币政策偏离物价稳定和充分就业的主要目标,以便应对金融稳定方面的担忧,耶伦表示。

    I do not presently see a need for monetary policy to deviate from a primary focus on attaining price stability and maximum employment , in order to address financial stability concerns , said Ms Yellen .

  10. 美国在第二次世界大战所实现的充分就业与30年代经济危机形成鲜明对比,促使充分就业作为战后目标提到政府和国会的议事日程。

    The full employment of the USA in World War ⅱ makes the sharp contrast with the great depression of the 1930s , it urges the government and Congress to take the full employment as the postwar goal in their agenda .