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chōng jūn
  • banish;be sent into exile;be transported to a distant place for penal servitude
充军 [chōng jūn]
  • [banish] 发配流放,旧时遣送犯罪者到边远地区服苦役的刑罚

充军[chōng jūn]
  1. 它们曾属于某个充军的鱼贩

    They belonged to a fishmonger who disappeared into the Navy .

  2. 第二大类移民是罪徙移民,即贬谪安置或充军人口,终明一代都有大量的这类移民进入云南。

    The second kind of immigration was the exile of criminals to Yunnan .

  3. 你再说下去的话,就要抓你去充军了。

    You continue to talk like that you 'll be sent to exile .

  4. 那些没钱的罪犯被判以充军或服劳役的刑罚。

    Those without money were condemned to penal servitude as soldiers or laborers .

  5. 明清充军在赎罪、赦免、减等方面存在较大区别。

    In a sin , forgive , the commutation of these aspects is larger difference .

  6. 通过介绍清代以前充军的发展,了解充军的发展脉络。

    By introducing the development of exile before the Qing Dynasty , understand the development of exile .

  7. 从两个角度了解充军在清代的适用,一是充军适用的行为广泛且都是严重犯罪。

    One angle is applicable to the offense , and applicable for wide range of serious crimes .

  8. 国王想把他停职罢俸;他甚至于还想把他发配充军呢,但是我出来说情了。

    The king wanted to stop his wages ; he even wanted to banish him , but I interfered .

  9. 叫他们在充军之地赞美我,记念我的名号。

    And they shall praise me in the land of their captivity , and shall be mindful of my name .

  10. 由充军归来的子民,于正月十四日,举行了逾越节。

    And the children of Israel of the captivity kept the phase , on the fourteenth day of the first month .

  11. 我要叫他们全都充军到哈利法克斯去,她想,瑞德当然是头一个了!

    I shall tell them all to go to halifax , she thought , and Rhett Butler will be the first one !

  12. 伦敦的孩子们聚集在纽汉姆学院,男生们都感觉自己即将要被拉去充军了。

    London children had been evacuated to Newnham College , and the male undergraduates had felt themselves on the brink of enlistment .

  13. 首先通过详述、对比明清两代的兵制,理解明清充军刑存在差异的根源。

    We compare the Military System of Ming and Qing dynasties , to understand the main source of difference between the Ming and Qing exile .

  14. 但是,他不仅无法改变秦始皇的想法,甚至还被发配至边疆充军。

    However , he was unable to change his father 's mind , and instead was sent to guard the frontier in a de facto exile .

  15. 明代的适用有三种形式,而清代以直接规定为主。指出在清代充军主要是作为刑名来用,刑名间等级关系明确。

    In Ming Dynasty , these are three types of application of exile , however in the Qing Dynasty the main form is direct provision of law .

  16. 母亲这一下可真得意:她可以趁着这个嫁出去的女儿没有充军到北方去之前,把她当作宝贝似的显给街坊四邻看看。

    And their mother had the satisfaction of knowing that she should be able to shew her married daughter in the neighbourhood , before she was banished to the North .

  17. 以色列子民、司祭、肋未人,和其馀由充军归来的人,兴高彩烈,为天主的殿举行了奉献礼。

    And the children of Israel , the priests and the Levites , and the rest of the children of the captivity kept the dedication of the house of God with joy .

  18. 巴比伦王就在哈玛特地的黎贝拉将他们杀了。从此,犹大人由本乡被掳去充军。

    And the king of Babylon struck them , and put them to death in Reblatha , in the land of Emath : and Juda was carried away captive out of his land .

  19. 在流放类型上,清代不仅承袭了传统的流刑、迁徙、充军等刑罚,还首创了极具特色的发遣刑罚。

    As for the types of banishment , Qing Dynasty not only succeeded conventional banishment , migration and military exiles , but also created the characteristic frontier banishment ( faqian or waiqian ) .

  20. 当时凡对以色列天主的诫命起敬起畏的人,为了充军归来者的罪孽,都聚集在我周围,我绝望地坐著,直到晚祭。

    And there were assembled to me all that feared the God of Israel , because of the transgression of those that were come from the captivity , and I sat sorrowful , until the evening sacrifice .

  21. 中国封建社会的户籍制度与赋役密不可分,因此广大人民为了摆脱沉重的赋役和被迫充军的痛苦,历来就存在对户籍制度的对抗和破坏,流徙逃亡、隐逃户口的斗争此起彼伏。

    Chinese household registration system and the feudal society so the people in order to get rid of the heavy taxation and forced to banishment of pain , has existed for the household registration system , and fled and escaped account instead of hidden by struggle .