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guān zhāng
  • close down
关张 [guān zhāng]
  • (1) [close down]∶指商店停止营业,旧时也指商店倒闭

  • (2) 指三国时蜀国大将关羽、张飞。两人皆以雄烈著名。后常以关、张指有威名的大将

  • 管(仲)乐(毅)有才真不忝, 关张无命欲何如。-- 唐. 李商隐《筹笔驿》

关张[guān zhāng]
  1. 每周有2,500家小企业关张。

    2,500 small businesses were folding each week .

  2. 马克南担任英格兰南部汉普郡(Hampshire)帕克希尔饭店(Parkhillrestaurant)米其林星级餐厅LePoussin(如今已关张)主厨时只有21岁,有次受邀参加在北京香格里拉酒店(Shangri-Lahotel)蓝韵餐厅(BluLobster)举办的午宴。

    McKenna , who had become head chef of the ( now closed ) Michelin-starred Le Poussin at Parkhill restaurant in Hampshire , southern England , when he was just 21 , was asked to launch the Blu Lobster restaurant at the Shangri-La hotel .

  3. 为弥补部分门店关张带来的损失,我们正在进行针对性的投资。

    We are making investments targeted at making up for the store closings .

  4. 重大的新闻是有人想让咖啡馆关张。

    The big news is that they 're trying to close the cafe !

  5. 然后呢?他们下周关张!

    And ? They 're closing down next week !

  6. 预计会有更多商店关张。

    Expect to see many more shuttered shops .

  7. 餐厅在几个月后关张。

    The restaurant closed a few months later .

  8. 它们本身则被赋予了10年的寿命,之后将悄然关张。

    They themselves were given a ten-year life and then expected to quietly close up shop .

  9. 约翰:我看到许多慈善机构因为挥霍无度而关张。

    EJ : I see so many charitable organizations go out of business because they spend ridiculously .

  10. 不出所料,她完全没反应(何况这家甜甜圈店已经关张了)。

    Not surprisingly , she couldn 't have cared less ( especially since the donut shop had closed ) .

  11. 从一开始就反对经营动物克隆业务的美国人道促进会对这家宠物克隆公司关张的消息表示欢迎。

    The Humane Society of the United States , which campaigned against the business from the start , celebrated the news .

  12. 而位于河南郑州的另一项目组也在艰难维持,随时可能关张。

    The software 's other project team in Henan 's Zhengzhou is also running under the possibility of dismissal at any moment .

  13. 我们有一年轻的脊椎指压治疗者放弃并关张了诊所,因为这不再与其提升相共振。

    We had one young chiropractor quit and close their practice , as it did not resonate with their ascent any longer .

  14. 勿庸赘言,位于小城商业中心的那些小店铺,如今全都关张了。

    The small merchants whose stores and shops comprise the commercial heart of this little city are , needless to say , getting crushed .

  15. 进口自本田和丰田的节油型汽车正将美国汽车业三巨头逼得几近关张,成千上万名工人遭解雇。

    Imports of gas-sipping Hondas and Toyotas were forcing America 's Big Three automakers to close plants and lay off hundreds of thousands of workers .

  16. 最后,他好不容易在弗吉尼亚落了脚,开了家餐馆,可很快就被迫关张了,因为他的过去就像阴魂一样缠住了他。

    He eventually settled in Virginia and opened a restaurant but was forced to close it down as soon as his past caught up with him .

  17. 但在新泽西,多洛雷斯·赖利表示如果她的工资成本再高,她自己的托儿所生意可能会被迫关张。

    But in New Jersey , Dolores Riley says if her payroll cost go any higher , she could be forced to shut down her daycare business .

  18. 还没有哪一个艾滋病组织创下过这样的记录。约翰:我看到许多慈善机构因为挥霍无度而关张。

    No other organization working on AIDS that has that record . EJ : I see so many charitable organizations go out of business because they spend ridiculously .

  19. 船东正在发现,自己比以前更难得到贷款;船舶发动机供应紧张;一些较小的中国船厂将可能不得不关张大吉。

    Ship owners are finding it tougher to get credit ; marine engines are in short supply ; and some of the smaller Chinese yards will likely have to shut up shop .

  20. 如果市场状况真的恶化,这些企业的下场将不是关张,而可能是把自己卖给那些寻求兼并对象的大型国有集团,例如宝钢。

    And rather than closure if the market does deteriorate , the end-game for some of these companies might be to sell themselves to acquisitive , state-owned big groups such as Baosteel .

  21. 据说,当他的店子关张大吉、员工面临失业时,他通过手段把自己的公司抛售出了六万美金的价钱,并和共事们分了这笔钱。

    Legend has it , when his store was closed down and the staff lost their jobs , he conned the company out of sixty thousand dollars and shared it amongst his co-workers .