
  1. 关陇作家的文章表现出简洁直率,平实质朴的风格。

    Prose writers Guan long show simple straightforward , simple-to-earth style .

  2. 第二章《关陇集团、山东势力与魏周政局》。

    The second chapter , Guanlong Group , Shandong Force and the political situation in the Wei Zhou times .

  3. 西魏大统十六年,府兵组织系统正式成立,标志着关陇集团正式形成。

    In the16th of Datong , the official foundation of The Fubing system also marked the form of the Guanlong Group .

  4. 本文以关陇地区的本地豪族为研究对象,对西魏北周时期关陇豪族的政治活动状况、以及他们与西魏北周政权之间的相互关系进行探讨。

    This thesis regards the Guanlong Families , the great and powerful native families in Guanlong Area in the Western Wei & Northern Zhou Dynasty , as the research object .