
ɡuān jìn
  • be confined
关禁 [guān jìn]
  • [be placed in confinement] 关起来,不让自由行动

  • 把他关禁了两个多月

  1. 曼达大喊着说赫尔特先生无权关禁她。

    Manda cried out that Mr Hoelt had no right to lock her in .

  2. Raymond校长不让我关禁闭了

    Dr. Raymond pulled me out of detention

  3. 妈妈:够了,你被关禁闭了。

    Mom : That 's it , you 're grounded .

  4. 为什么我们关禁在这金属玻、璃的圆盔中!

    Why were we imprisoned behind these masks of metal and glass !

  5. 你吃东西…关禁闭10分钟

    If you eat ... Ten minutes of detention .

  6. 妈妈:不许提问,你被关禁闭了,就这样。

    Mom : No questions , you 're grounded and that 's that .

  7. 因为他在我这里关禁闭呢。

    Because he was doing detention with me .

  8. 那我是不是就不用关禁闭了

    Does that mean I don 't have to be , uh , locked up anymore ?

  9. 达布思太太:因为我把你们家大明星关禁闭了你就气急败坏,那么现在我们扯平了。

    Ms Darbus : You 're tweaked because I put your stars in detention and now you 're getting even .

  10. 要么在房间里关禁闭二天,要么被打一顿屁股,你如何来选呢?

    If you had the choice of either being confined to your room for two days or being spanked , which would you choose ?

  11. 挑衅狱警经常被关禁闭结果很惨后来我开始偷监狱图书馆的书

    I took on the guards . I did a lot of solitary . Got so bad , I started stealing books from the prison library .

  12. 大型猫科动物,包括关禁并喂养受染禽类尸体的老虎和豹也被发现受染并患严重疾病。

    Large cats , including tigers and leopards , kept in capacity and fed on infected poultry carcasses , have also been infected and developed severe disease .

  13. 我打算等我女儿回来我的身边,ground:关禁闭until:直到然后关她禁闭到25岁。quite:不错;

    Rufus : I 'm gonna wait for my daughter to come to me , and then I 'm gonna ground her until she 's 25 . -

  14. 结果得出,关禁的形成是与明朝的北防政策紧密相联的,而九边所设直接确立了关禁制度的雏形。

    The results obtained , the the captivity formation is closely linked with the North anti-policy of the Ming Dynasty , while Nine directly established the prototype of captivity system .

  15. 而作为九边沿线内外出入关口上的关禁制度,不仅是明朝边防体系、外交策略上的载体,更是九边研究上的一个系统性课题。

    Captivity as a mark on the nine-edge along the inside and outside access system is not only the vectors on the Ming frontier defense system , Foreign Policy , is a systemic issue in the nine-edge research .