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dǐ yù
  • resist;withstand
抵御 [dǐ yù]
  • [resist;withstand] 抵挡;抗御

  • 抵御侵略

  • 抵御自然灾害

抵御[dǐ yù]
  1. 《社会动物:爱、性格和成就的潜在根源》的作者戴维·布鲁克斯似乎是最近一位没能抵御诱惑的作者。

    David Brooks , author of The Social Animal : The Hidden Sources of Love , Character , and Achievement , appears to be the latest in a long line of writers who have failed to resist the temptation .

  2. 强化学校抵御宗教极端思想渗透工作

    enhance schools ' capacity to resist ideological infiltration by religious extremism

  3. 孩子们无法抵御其父的虐待。

    The children had no protection against the tyranny of their father .

  4. 敌人进攻的时候,我们毫无抵御能力。

    When the enemy attacked , we were completely powerless against them .

  5. 新技术应该能提供安全可靠的防火墙抵御黑客袭击。

    New technology should provide a secure firewall against hackers .

  6. 该防御工事能抵御当时所使用的各种进攻手段。

    The fortress was proof against the techniques of attack then in use

  7. 我走出门,竖起衣领抵御冷雾。

    I stepped outside and pulled up my collar against the cold mist

  8. 政府急忙布置了防卫措施抵御空袭。

    The Government hastily organized defensive measures against the raids

  9. 他们在房屋周围堆沙袋以抵御洪水的侵袭。

    They sandbagged their homes to keep out floods .

  10. 脂肪是极好的抵御寒冷的绝热体。

    Fat is an excellent insulator against the cold .

  11. 人体的免疫系统是抵御疾病的主要屏障。

    The immune system is our main defence against disease

  12. 这座塔是那些灰暗岁月的遗迹,那时大房子不得不被加固,以抵御侵略者。

    The tower is a relic of grim days when big houses had to be fortified against invaders

  13. 这些修道院是12世纪大卫王用来抵御英国人而修建的堡垒。

    The abbeys were founded in the 12th century by King David as a bulwark against the English

  14. 幼鲸长出一层厚厚的鲸脂,以抵御寒冷的海水。

    The baby whale develops a thick layer of blubber to protect it from the cold sea .

  15. 要是以为富国总能为自己备好药物以抵御新发疾病的侵害,那就错了。

    It would be wrong to assume that rich countries will always be able to insulate themselves with drugs against the ravages of new diseases

  16. 那一地区的所有建筑都已加固,以抵御台风侵袭。

    All buildings in that area have been reinforced to withstand typhoons .

  17. 政府在这一地区构筑防御工事抵御进攻。

    The government fortified the area against attack .

  18. 他们联合起来抵御共同敌人。

    They made an alliance against the common enemy .

  19. 这种魅力是无法抵御的。

    The charm is irresistible .

  20. 短期内与蜗牛作战,中远期内抵御气候变化。

    " The short-term fight against the snail , and a mid - to long-term fight against climate change . "

  21. 并且,鉴于年轻人面临的就业机会不足,住在父母家就成了使他们抵御经济风暴的个人安全网的一部分。

    And given the weak job opportunities facing young adults , living at home was part of the private safety net help young adults to weather the economic storm .

  22. 它们帮助身体抵御某类感染。

    They   help   the   body   defend   itself   against   some   kinds   of   infections .

  23. 不幸的是,这个计划似乎不太可能奏效:我们连能够抵御普通人的防火墙都还没发明出来,更不用说超级智能机器了。

    Unfortunately , that plan seems unlikely to work : we have yet to invent a firewall that is secure against ordinary humans , let alone super intelligent machines .

  24. 敌法师用守护魔法来抵御负面法术的攻击。

    Magina channels a powerful warding magic damping the negative effects of spells .

  25. 这似乎是我们抵御西尔弗和他那帮人的好地方,

    It seemed a good place to defend ourselves against Silver and his men ,

  26. 一个砌匠挺身而出,主张用砖块作为抵御材料;

    A build Carpenter to come forward to advocate the use of bricks as a resist material ;

  27. 护身符――或者象他们普遍的叫法:“警卫”用来抵御妖魔鬼怪

    Amulets , \\ " guards , \\ " as they are popularly called , intended to ward off evil spirits .

  28. 如果随意遗弃,它们基本上无法抵御自然因素和天敌,如猫、蛇和猴子。如果你正在饲养宠物,或者有此打算,无论他们是小猫、小狗、小乌龟,或是一只小鸡,请记住养宠不抛弃!

    If abandoned recklessly , they ’ re basically defenseless against natural elements and predators like cats , snakes , and monkeys .

  29. 宋国的一个农民,因家境贫寒,生活极为清苦,全靠一件烂麻衣抵御冬天的严寒。

    A peasant in the state of Song led an extremely hard life for he was destitute1 , depending on worn sackcloth to defense2 the chill of winter .

  30. 我们还抵御了严重洪涝灾害,广大军民不畏艰险,同心协力抗洪救灾,努力把损失降到了最低。

    We also defeated severe flooding . With the military and civilians20 heedless of danger and difficulty , and standing21 in unity6 , we managed to minimize the damage of the floods .