
  • 网络mortgage market
  1. 与全国其它地方一样,面向纽约城市居民的抵押市场并没有向美联储(Fed)所希望的那样对减息做出回应。

    Just as for the rest of the nation , the mortgage market for city dwellers has not reacted to the Federal Reserve 's interest rate cuts the way central bankers hoped .

  2. 美联储唯一批评过抵押市场和房地产市场过度行为的高级官员是已经过世的爱德华格拉姆利克(edwardgramlich),他的请求当时被忽视了。

    The only senior official at the Fed who railed against the excesses of the mortgage market and the housing market was the late Edward gramlich , whose entreaties were ignored .

  3. 等到欧元危机平息,美国解决抵押市场的混乱状态之后,摩根大通银行(J.P.Morgan)等大型银行将进入扩张的新时代。

    Once the euro crisis clears and America fixes its mortgage mess , giants like J.P. Morgan will enter a new era of expansion .

  4. 遗憾的是,在美国的房贷抵押市场中,政府没能这么做。

    Sadly , it failed to do so in the American mortgage market .

  5. 让私人资本在住房抵押市场扮演更重要的角色,

    make sure private capital plays a bigger role in the mortgage market ,

  6. 澳门住房抵押市场研究

    Research on Residential Mortgage Market in Macau

  7. 2发达的二级抵押市场。

    Advanced secondary mortgage market .

  8. 美国房屋抵押市场的失败,导致金融市场减少借贷。

    That is when failures in the American home mortgage market caused financial markets to decrease lending .

  9. 随着房地产抵押市场的日益繁荣,其中的法律问题亦渐受关注。

    With the real estate mortgage market increasingly prosperous , the law problems are gradually paid attention to .

  10. 只有这样才能够保证我国房地产抵押市场健康发展、才能够保证我国市场经济的健康发展。

    Only in this way , it is sure that the healthy real estate mortgage and the healthy market economy .

  11. 李晓超称,美国房地产市场的疲软、次级贷款抵押市场危机和油价高企是可能影响中国的主要外部风险。

    S.real-estate market , the fallout from the subprime-mortgage crisis , and high oil prices are major global risks that could affect China .

  12. 次贷抵押市场把以前不可能参与其中,不可能有任何抵押的人带到了抵押市场中。

    The subprime mortgage market was bringing people into the mortgage market who in prior decades would not have been involved & would not have had any mortgage .

  13. 换言之,这只基金不是在简单地跟踪次级抵押市场:它做的更好,想必是因为该基金购买的是评级较高的证券。

    In other words , the fund was not simply tracking the subprime markets : it was doing better , presumably because it was buying highly rated securities .

  14. 深度的国际经济衰退开始于2007年的八月份,美国房屋抵押市场的失败,导致金融市场减少借贷。

    The deep international economic slowdown began in August , two thousand seven . That is when failures in the American home mortgage market caused financial markets to decrease lending .

  15. 从宏观方面讲,房地产抵押市场日新月异的变化发展与相关法律法规的稳定滞后之矛盾,是产生这一现象的根源;

    Speaking from the macroscopic aspect , the contradiction between the increasingly change of the real estate mortgage market and the stable of the related laws , is the source of these phenomena .

  16. 所以,当有人想知道为什么投资者对于次级抵押市场的问题如此后知后觉时,信息超荷无疑是一个因素。

    So when one starts to wonder why investors were so slow to wake up to the problems of the subprime mortgage market ( see article ), information overload has to be a factor .

  17. 当房价上涨时,房地产投资者会获得房地产增值收益,他们可以变现这部分收益或者通过房产抵押市场获得更多贷款来增加当期消费。

    The investor in housing will attain profit when the price of the house is rising . They can get more loans to increase the current consumption by realizing the profit or mortgaging in the market .

  18. 未来几天货币市场的状况可能仍将困难重重,因为衍生品市场亏损规模和地域上的不确定性没有任何缓解。衍生品市场的亏损最初是由美国次级抵押市场的高违约率所导致的。

    Conditions in the money markets are likely to remain extremely difficult in the coming days as there will be no let-up in the uncertainty over the scale and location of losses in derivatives markets , initially triggered by high default rates in US sub-prime mortgages .

  19. 抵押贷款市场规模很小,仅相当于俄罗斯GDP的3%。

    The mortgage market is tiny , equal to just 3 per cent of GDP .

  20. 当前政fu在住房抵押贷款市场扮演的重大角色,同样也明显体现出这种依赖。

    It 's also clear from the enormous role now played by government in the residential mortgage market .

  21. 美国抵押贷款市场的动荡昨日又造成一个牺牲者,身为美国十大房屋贷款机构之一的americanhomemortgageinvestment申请破产保护。

    The turmoil in the US mortgage market claimed another victim yesterday when American home mortgage investment , one of the top 10 home lenders in the US , filed for bankruptcy protection .

  22. 正如沃伦巴菲特(warrenbuffett)所警告的,投资者已从美国次级抵押贷款市场发生的事情中认识到,这些证券可能是“金融大规模杀伤性武器”。

    Investors have learnt from what happened to us subprime mortgages that these securities may be " weapons of financial mass destruction " , as Warren Buffett warned .

  23. 巴克莱总裁鲍博戴蒙德(bobdiamond)坚称,尽管美国次级抵押贷款市场危机引发了为期数月的动荡,但巴克莱资本(barclayscapital)业务的长期增长前景基本未受影响。

    Bob diamond , President of Barclays , insisted that long-term growth prospects for the Barclays Capital division were largely undimmed in spite of months of upheaval triggered by the meltdown in the US subprime mortgage market .

  24. 高盛对抵押贷款市场有一种看法,IKB有另一种看法,而Paulson&Co有第三种看法。

    It had a view of the mortgage market , IKB had another and Paulson & Co a third .

  25. 同时,行业数据整理公司insidemortgagefinance表示,富国银行已从一家地方色彩浓厚的加州银行,转型为美国市值最高的银行,在抵押贷款市场占据34%的份额。

    Meanwhile , wells has transformed itself from a strong California bank into the largest US bank by market capitalisation and taken a 34 per cent share of the mortgage market , according to inside mortgage finance , which collates industry data .

  26. 高盛(goldmansachs)昨日发布了又一份创纪录的季度业绩,该公司同时表示,没有发现次级抵押贷款市场出现的动荡正向着优质抵押贷款或其它资本市场领域蔓延的迹象。

    Goldman Sachs yesterday reported another record quarter and said it saw no sign that turmoil in the subprime mortgage market was spreading to prime mortgages or other areas of the capital markets .

  27. 在深入分析FRM利率确定与风险控制、ARM合同条款、ARM定价与付款机制、FRM与ARM相互融合与转化之后,提出建立我国利率多元化的住房抵押贷款市场;

    After deeply analyzing FRM 's rate determination and risk control , ARM 's contract terms , ARM 's price making and paying mechanism , the paper sets forth building multiple-rate mortgage market in china ;

  28. 危机始于次级抵押贷款市场,然后进入主要贷款市场,接着又影响到了汽车贷款市场,美国信贷核算集团Fico公司首席执行官马克格林(MarkGreene)说。

    It started in subprime mortgages , then it moved to prime mortgages , then to car financing , says Mark Greene , chief executive of Fico , the US credit checking group .

  29. 善于打理危机业务的美国金融家威尔伯•罗斯(WilburRoss)正计划挺进次级抵押贷款市场。此举表明,信贷危机正为那些逢低吸纳、甘冒风险的投资者敞开机会之门。

    Wilbur Ross , the US financier who specialises in distressed businesses , is planning a push into subprime mortgages in a sign the credit turmoil is opening up opportunities for bargain-hunting , risk-taking investors .

  30. 在金融市场,imf表示,4月份以来信贷价格的恶化,特别是美国次级抵押贷款市场的困难越来越多,证明该组织此前有关近年信贷纪律趋于松散的警告是正确的。

    In the financial markets , the IMF said the deterioration of credit prices since April , and in particular the rising difficulties in the US subprime mortgage market , vindicated its warning about how much credit discipline had weakened in recent years .