
  • 网络Student Loan;loan
  1. 我花了三年的时间才还清我的学生贷款。

    It took three years to repay my student loan .

  2. 当我偿还学生贷款中的50英镑时,我感觉这笔钱和我欠下的4万英镑比起来只是沧海一粟罢了。

    When I paid off £ 50 of my student loan , I felt it was just a drop in the ocean compared to my £ 40000 debt .

  3. 政府以助学金和学生贷款的形式提供资金。

    The government provides money in the shape of grants and student loans .

  4. 我认为你在此引发了一个极为棘手的全新问题,我们可能会就学生贷款和助学金展开一次大辩论。

    You 've opened up a whole new can of worms here I think . We could have a whole debate on student loans and grants

  5. 考虑到目前账面上学生贷款的数额超过1.3万亿美元,很显然许多学生是不够理智的。

    Given that there 's now over $ 1.3 trillion in student loans on the books , it 's pretty clear that many students are far from sensible .

  6. 通过奖学金和学生贷款,他完成了大学学业,之后进入了哈佛大学法学院。

    He worked his way through college with the help of scholarships and student loans and went on to Harvard Law School .

  7. 去年,波梅兰茨在美国创办了BrightFrontierFinancial,专门提供与低息学生贷款相关的中介服务。

    Last year he founded Bright Frontier Financial , a US financial services company that brokers lower-cost student loans .

  8. 学生贷款公司(StudentLoansCompany)的数据显示,一个1985年出生、2006毕业的人,平均负债为9750英磅。

    According to the Student Loans Company , the average debt for someone born in 1985 and graduating in 2006 is 9,750 .

  9. 43%的X世代还说,他们偿还学生贷款的能力在职业选择中起到了重要作用。

    Also , 43 % say their ability to repay student loans plays an important role in their career choices .

  10. Ryan在大学期间借的学生贷款加上利率总共是多少呢?

    What Ryan took out in student loans plus interest for four years at his university ?

  11. 然而,海外学习的一个重大不足是,英国学生贷款公司(studentloanscompany)只为在国外学习不超过一个学年的英国学生提供贷款。

    However , one significant drawback of studying overseas is that the student loans company only provides loans to students studying in the UK who spend no more than one academic year abroad .

  12. 2009年,“学生贷款”(StudentLoan)乐队访问了缅甸,2008年“玛雅-阿祖塞娜乐队”(MayaAzucenaBand)访问了缅甸。

    The musical group " The Student Loan " visited Burma in2009 , and the musical group " Maya Azucena Band " visited in2008 .

  13. 一天后,教育部长MargaretSpellings宣布成立委员会,研究联邦学生贷款项目。

    A day earlier , Education Secretary Margaret Spellings announced a committee to study federal student loan programs .

  14. 美国国民银行(CitizensBank)从专注学生贷款市场的大型网贷平台SoFi购买了2亿美元贷款,并承诺再购买3亿美元。

    Citizens Bank has bought $ 200m of loans from SoFi , a big student loan-focused marketplace lender , and committed to buy $ 300m more .

  15. 全国最大的学生贷款提供者SallieMae同意支付200万美元。

    Sallie Mae , the nation 's biggest education lender , agreed to pay two million dollars .

  16. 同样,消费者金融保护局(ConsumerFinancialProtectionBureau)正在研究与主要的消费者金融交易有关的信息公开(学生贷款、住房抵押贷款、发薪日借贷),目标是使借款者更容易比较消费。

    Similarly , the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is working its way through the disclosures related to major consumer financial transactions ( student loans , home mortgages , payday lending ) with an eye to making it easier for borrowers to do comparison shopping .

  17. 这些得到MBA学位的毕业生常常因此负债累累,这类沉重的债务包袱又限制了他们追求心中真正理想的能力。到头来,他们不得不为了偿还学生贷款从事自己并不喜欢的工作。

    And graduates are often saddled with so much debt that it limits their ability to follow their true passions . They take jobs they don 't want simply to pay off their student loans .

  18. 与前几代人相比,生于1965年至1978年的X世代还肩负着毕业后偿还学生贷款的沉重负担,这些年轻人经历了几次经济兴衰的周期,还有一次严重的房地产危机。

    Also , Gen-Xers , born between 1965 and 1978 , shouldered a heavier burden of student loans after college , compared with preceding generations , and as young adults they experienced several boom-and-bust cycles , as well as a severe housing slump .

  19. 一直关注这一领域事态发展的FinAid.org负责人马克•坎特罗维兹(MarkKantrowitz)称,2007年,有144家民间和政府教育贷款机构暂停了学生贷款。

    In the past year , 144 education lenders have suspended private and federal loans , according to Mark Kantrowitz , publisher of FinAid . org , who has been following the developments .

  20. 此外,据贷款服务机构学生贷款市场协会(SallieMae)介绍,通过你银行账户的借记卡自动还款可以让你的利率降低0.25个百分点。

    In addition , paying through automatic debits from your bank account could reduce your interest rate by 0.25 percentage point , according to loan servicer Sallie Mae SLM + 1.61 % .

  21. 低迷的就业市场和高企的学生贷款带来的压力,让一大批处在上大学年龄的叛逆青年宣布投奔“不上大学”(UnCollege)这种旨在“攻击”(hack)高等教育的新团体。

    Feeling squeezed by a sagging job market and mounting student debt , a groundswell of university-age heretics are pledging allegiance to new groups like UnCollege , dedicated to " hacking " higher education .

  22. 之前,穆迪公司主张CDO必须满足一个多样性分值也就是说,每个CDO都应该包含不同种类的资产,比如商业抵押贷款、学生贷款和信用卡债务,还有很受欢迎的次级债。

    Previously , Moody 's had insisted that CDOs meet a diversity score that is , that each should contain different types of assets , such as commercial mortgages , student loans and credit card debts , as well as the popular subprime debt .

  23. 在纽约大学就读了四年之后,Ryan确实找到了一份工作,但是很快,经济危机来临时,他被解雇了。更糟糕的是,就在他刚刚被解雇的时候,他收到了第一份学生贷款账单。

    So after four years here at NYU , Ryan did get a job , but soon after , just as the economy was collapsing , he was laid off . What 's worse , right about the time that he got his , Ryan also got his first bill for his student loans .

  24. 按照FIES项目的规定,学生贷款利率降至一年3.4%的水平,在贷款期结束后还有18个月的赦免期,偿还期至多可以达到项目期限的3倍,外加额外的12个月。

    Under FIES , interest rates charged on student loans have fallen to 3.4 per cent a year , with grace periods of 18 months after the end of the financing period and repayment terms of up to three times the length of the program plus an additional 12 months .

  25. 加纳养老金学生贷款及其失败原因分析

    Ghana student loan in Pension System and its Failure Causes Analysis

  26. 学生贷款为那些需要帮助的人提供经济资助。

    Student loans give financial assistance to those that need it .

  27. 在一年内,我努力还清学生贷款。

    I managed to pay my student loan within a year .

  28. 我花了三年时间才还清我的学生贷款。

    It took me three years to repay my student loan .

  29. 学生贷款业现在已经成为新闻了。

    The student loan industry is in the news right now .

  30. 学生贷款大多由教育部监督。

    Student loans are mostly overseen by the Department of Education .