
  1. 哈佛大学经济学家拉吉·切蒂认为可能的因素包括:经济和种族隔离、社区密度、社区中产阶级规模、学校质量、社区宗教信仰和家庭结构。他认为家庭结构是影响"向上流动"的最有力因素。

    Harvard economist Raj Chetty has pointed to economic and racial segregation , community density , the size of a community 's middle class , the quality of schools , community religiosity , and family structure , which he calls the " single strongest correlate of upward mobility . "

  2. 为此,按照2000版ISO9000族质量管理体系标准的要求,构建学校质量管理体系,就是本文的主要任务。

    According to the characters of the schools and ISO9000:2000 Quality Management System Standards , the customers of the school should be in a group , including students 、 parents and society .

  3. 构建学校质量管理体系若干问题的研究

    A Study of Several Issues on Construct School Quality Management System

  4. 校长是学校质量和效益的关键。

    He is the key to a school 's quality and benefit .

  5. 高等学校质量文化的内涵及功能探析

    On the Connotation and Function of Quality Culture at Institutions of Higher Learning

  6. 民办高等学校质量评价之我见

    Some Suggestions on Quality Appraisal of Private Higher Institutions

  7. 析我国高等学校质量保障及评价机制

    An analysis of the quality guaranteeing & evaluating mechanism in Institutions of Higher Education

  8. 构建学校质量管理体系,提高学校效能,是校本管理的核心目标;

    Thirdly , the building of school quality management system is the key goals of SBM .

  9. 学校质量一流并配有计算机;住宅规划让富人住宅集中;

    He hoped for first-class schools with computers , and housing developments where the rich would flock to live .

  10. 堪萨斯城官员表示,他们这样做的其中一个原因是提高学校质量。

    Officials in Kansas City are saying that one of the reasons they did is that they want to improve quality .

  11. 在美国,对公立学校质量大失所望的家长越来越多,因而在家上学这一现象方兴未艾。

    Home schooling is a growing phenomenon in the US , swheresan increasing number of parents have become disillusioned with the public school system .

  12. 学校质量控制是一个比较复杂的过程,要做好学校质量控制,必须从以下几方面着手。

    The school 's quality control is a complex process , to do a good job in school quality control , must begin from the following respects .

  13. 例3教育主管部门衡量学校质量的标尺错位,素质教育评价系统难构建。

    It is difficult to establish the evaluation system of Educationfor all2 round development as the Department responsible for education judges the educational quality of schools by wrong criteria .

  14. 第四章是论述了如何构建学校质量管理体系,是学校质量管理体系建立的实施解析,并贯彻质量管理的原则和方法。

    Chapter 4 gives suggestions on how to construct school quality system and carry through the principles and methods . It is a paraphrase about QM implementation in school .

  15. 学校质量与孩子的教育之间存在着千丝万缕的联系,政策制定者应该重视农村学校的质量,提高学校的教学质量,改善学校的物质条件,建设良好的教育环境。

    School quality brings very big influence . Policy constitutor should attach importance to rural school quality , enhance teaching quality , improve material condition and build a good educational environment .

  16. 而且,如果出生在较贫困国家的儿童得以上学,他们的学校质量也比欧洲、日本或美国儿童所上学校的质量低许多。

    And if the children born in the poorer countries do go to school , their schools are substantially worse than those attended by children in Europe , Japan or the United States .

  17. 在密集型、有着优良教育传统的、土地负担不重的、社区经济状况较好的、学校质量较高的县区,留守儿童的教育与管理问题也相应地不严重。

    In-intensive , with an excellent traditional education , land can not afford the weight , the better the economic situation of communities , schools , high quality community , the education of children remain correspondingly not serious .

  18. 中等职业学校教育质量管理借鉴ISO9000标准若干问题的研究

    The Research about Some problems of Education Quality Management in the Secondary Vocational Schools Through Drawing on the Experience of ISO9000 Standards

  19. 我住在伦敦的哈克尼区(hackney),这里犯罪率较高,学校教育质量也比较差。

    I live in Hackney , a London Borough where crime is high and the schools are poor .

  20. 本文从ISO9000质量管理体系的本质要义出发,提出了中职学校教育质量及质量管理的相关概念;

    This thesis proceeds from the essence and the main points of the ISO9000 quality management system . It puts forward some concepts on the educational quality and quality management of the secondary professional school ;

  21. 农业高职教育引入ISO9000质量管理体系,构建全员参与的农业高职教育教学质量保障新体系,实现学校教学质量管理决策科学化、工作规范化、服务自觉化。

    The higher vocational education of agriculture introduces ISO9000 quality controling system , constructs the new teaching quality safeguards system which the whole staff participate , causes the school teaching quality control realize policy-making scientific style , work standardization and serves on own initiative .

  22. 教学评价对于学校教学质量的提高起到了举足轻重的作用。

    Teaching evaluation has pivotal function to enhance the quality of teaching .

  23. 高等学校教学质量评价体系构建的分析与思考

    Analysis on Assessment System of Teaching Quality of Higher Learning

  24. 加强学校内部质量监控保证教育教学质量

    Intensifying internal monitored control in college Insuring quality of teaching and education

  25. 我国普通本科高等学校教学质量内部保障体系构建

    Design of the Chinese Regular University 's Interior Assurance System of Teaching Quality

  26. 如何确保高等学校教育质量?

    What should we do to keep higher education at a high quality ?

  27. 师生关系的融洽与否在在很大程度上影响着学校教育质量的优劣。

    The teacher-student relationship affects the quality of school education to some extent .

  28. 学校全面质量管理:观念与行动

    Total Quality Management in School : Concept and Action

  29. 学生的教育管理是影响高等学校办学质量的重要因素。

    Student education management is an important factor that affects university education quality .

  30. 这些因素共同促进了学校教学质量的蒸蒸日上,知名度越来越高。

    All those facts had promoted the teaching quality .