
  1. 三个全面控制体系的理论创新及其实证检验&以长庆采气一厂为例

    A case study on No.1 Changqing gas production plant : Theoretical Renovation and verification of plan Budget-Practice controlling system

  2. 建立三个机制全面推进学院各项工作n进制中数字和函数的二次、三次均值

    The Progression of the College Work Under the Three Working Systems ; The Quadratic And Cubic Means for Numbers and Functions of the Base n

  3. 积极推进三个融合全面加强残疾大学生的素质教育

    Completely Promoting Handicapped College Students ' Quality Education by Developing Three Combinations

  4. 生物学教育要实施科学素质教育,必须在上述三个方面全面加以实施。

    Biology teaching should use scientific diathesis education based on these three aspects introduced above .

  5. 坚持和实践三个代表全面加强党的建设

    Insisting on and Practising " Three Representatives " and Strengthening All-round the Party 's Construction

  6. 另一方面,小型企业的发展,带动了三个产业全面发展。

    On the other hand , small business development , drive the three industry to develop in the round .

  7. 本文从词论、词评、考证三个部分全面评价了《惠风词话》在词学理论中的地位。

    This paper evaluates Hui Feng 's on a from discussion on Ci , comment on Ci and textual research .

  8. 从精细种植、精细养殖和精细加工三个分支全面展开精细农业的技术体系。

    The precision agriculture technological system has been developed into three branches , precision farming , precision raising and precision processing .

  9. 本章从存款保险制度的产生与发展、存款保险制度的理论基础和存款保险制度的分类三个方面全面介绍了存款保险制度,笔者认为显性存款保险制度是我国建立存款保险制度的最佳选择。

    This chapter introduces the legal deposit insurance system fully from three aspects-the formation and development , the foundation of theory and classification .

  10. 本章从三个角度全面介绍了目前全球服务外包发展现状及未来趋势。

    This Chapter gives an all-round way analysis from three angels on the current status and the development trend of global service outsourcing industry .

  11. 从教学内容体系、实验内容体系和教学模式体系三个方面全面进行了计算机网络课程的教学改革实践。

    The teaching reform of computer network course system from three aspects are presented , the content , the experimentation and the teaching module of course .

  12. 然后分别从住宅的本质、住宅使用者的需求以及居住模式三个方面全面阐述了需求与模式对住宅发展趋势的影响。

    It then deals with the influence of requirement and mode upon house development trend from the aspects of house essence , house user requirement and house mode .

  13. 指出,到2000年,我国必须在工厂综合自动化、高效低成本自动化、现场总线与现场总线产品三个领域全面推进仪表行业的机电一体化。

    And mechatronics in our instrumentation industries in three fields of factory integrated automation , high efficient low cost automation and field bus and its products should be fully advanced .

  14. 从表型性状、分子标记和系谱共祖度三个方面全面论述了自建国以来我国棉花品种的遗传改良进展及品种演变。

    The genetic improvement and variety evolution of cotton varieties in China since 1949 were comprehensively studied at three different aspects : phenotypic values , molecular markers and coefficient of parentage .

  15. 基于节点的核心影响度的社团核心发现方法是从节点联系的覆盖范围、影响程度和与其他节点的差异性三个方面全面衡量网络中的全部节点,从而找出核心节点。

    The community core discovery method based on node core influence degree is linked from the node coverage , influence level and differences with the other nodes , total measure all the network nodes , and discover the core node .

  16. 本章是全文研究的理论基础,主要从信息不对称、投资者行为和承销商行为三个方面全面系统地介绍了当前国内外实证研究的成果和理论假说。

    This chapter is a full study of the theoretical basis , mainly from information asymmetry , investor behavior and underwriters conduct a comprehensive and systematic introduction to three aspects of the current domestic and foreign research results of empirical and theoretical hypotheses .

  17. 从自举式扫描电路的补偿状态、电路的改进措施和ε曲线簇三个方面全面分析了自举式扫描电路的基本原理,并为设计自举式扫描电路提供了理论依据。

    From the compensating coefficient of bootstrap mode scanning circuit , the improving of circuit and cluster of curves , the basic theory of bootstrap mode scanning circuit is summarized , and the theoretical foundations for designing bootstrap mode scanning circuit is provided .

  18. 从工作流系统中时间约束的建模、时间约束的执行和运行后的数据分析三个方面全面概述时间管理的研究内容,为在实践中构建具有时间约束的工作流系统奠定了理论基础。

    The general research works of time management are summarized from such three aspects as time modeling and implementation of time constraints in workflow systems , and data analysis after running , that establishes the theory basis for constructing timed workflow systems in practice .

  19. 三个阶段全面刻画了农民工迁移的整体过程,依次对每个过程的研究可以得到上述问题的最终答案。因此,本文的研究包括以下五部分。第一部分,研究准备。包括第一、二、三章。

    Each process is studyed , and we may obtain the answers to the above questions . Therefore , the research of this paper includes the following five parts : The first part is a preparation , including chapter one , two , and three .

  20. 解读“三个统一”全面推进党的建设

    Interpret The Three Unifies and Carry Forward The Party Construction

  21. 按照三个代表要求全面加强党的建设关于素质教育的思考

    Overall Reinforcement of the Party 's Leadership by the Requirement of Three Embodiments

  22. 用这三个指标比较全面的评价了我国商业银行的贷款集中情况。

    Concentration of loans in commercial banks in China are more comprehensive evaluation of these three indicators .

  23. 艺术美论包括功能论、范畴论、语言论三个方面,全面体现了他对文学艺术基本问题的见解。

    Art theory includes functional theory , category theory , language theory , fully reflect the basic issue of the literary and artistic .

  24. 晋商商号号规制度则从号规的拟定,号规的内容,号规的恪守三个方面来全面分析商号号规这一制度规约。

    The firm regulation system includes regulations established , regulations content , regulations adherence . All of the three aspects are used to analyze firm regulation system comprehensively .

  25. 通过分析英语专业学生的作文,从拼写知识、形态-句法知识和语义知识三个方面较为全面地考察了产出性词汇深度知识的发展过程。

    On the basis of English majors ' writings , the paper analyses their vocabulary development in the depth by investigating orthographic knowledge , morpho-syntactic knowledge and semantic knowledge .

  26. 本部分主要从掠夺性定价的定义与特征、掠夺性定价与相关概念的区别以及掠夺性定价的构成要件这三个方面进行全面的介绍,对掠夺性定价进行较为准确的界定。

    This part introduces the concept and characters , difference between predatory pricing and some similar concepts , as well as the composing elements , defining exactly predatory pricing .

  27. 第二章主要根据库恩的范式理论的分类,把范式分为观念,规则与操作三个层面来全面剖析了生态型政府构建的困境。

    The second chapter analyzes three aspects of predicament of the ecotype government constructions include concepts , systems and operations based on the classification of the paradigm theory by Kuhn .

  28. 以环境为中心,该体系包括三个部分:全面而完善的环境法律体系,它为美国环境保护提供了强大的法律武器;

    Centered on environment , the system is composed of the following three parts : the comprehensive and complete environmental law system , which offers a powerful weaponry for environmental protection ;

  29. 为了对成本、工期和质量这三个目标进行全面的优化和管理,国内外很多学者对施工项目目标的集成管理进行研究。

    To carry on the comprehensive optimization and management of these three objectives , many of domestic and foreign scholars conduct the research to the integrated management of construction project objects .

  30. 根据全面风险管理三个维度即全面风险管理目标、要素、企业的层级这一大框架,构建起山航集团全面风险管理体系。

    Three dimensions based on a comprehensive risk management that a comprehensive risk management objectives , elements , enterprise-level this framework to build a comprehensive risk management system for Shandong Aviation Group .