
  • 网络coordinate measure machine
  1. 三座标测量机操纵杆控制系统

    Joy stick control system of coordinate measure machine

  2. YQ&3000大型CNC三座标测量机

    Large YQ-3000 CNC Coordinate Measurement Machine

  3. CNC机床伺服系统特性对轮廓误差的影响机理三座标测量机测量轮廓误差数据处理最优配合法

    Influence of CNC Machine Tool Servo System Characteristic on Contour Error The Best Fit Method of Error Data Processing of Profiles Measured in CMM

  4. 三座标测量机测头的误差分析

    The Error Analysis of Probe of the Three-Coordinate Measuring Machines

  5. 三座标测量机座标误差的变换矩阵法

    The Transformation Matrix Method for Coordinate Error Determination of the Coordinate Measuring Machine

  6. 三座标测量机在汽车制造业中的应用

    The Application of 3D Measuring Instrument in Vehicle Manufacture

  7. 运动控制器在三座标测量机自动控制系统中的应用

    The Application of the Motion Controller in Automatic System of Coordinate Measuring System

  8. 一维检具确定三座标测量机测量不确定度的实验研究

    Research on inspection of measuring uncertainty of coordinate measuring machines with one-dimension standard tools

  9. 三座标测量机的结构分析

    Structural Analysis of the Coordinate Measuring Machine

  10. 本文分析了桥式三座标测量机的系统误差。

    This paper analyses the systematic error of three coordinate measuring machine of bridge type construction .

  11. 三座标测量机测量轮廓误差数据处理最优配合法

    The Best Fit Method of Error Data Processing of Profiles Measured in CMM log scale picoammeter

  12. 例如:医疗设备,三座标测量机,电子产品,办公技术

    For example : medical equipment , three dimensional measuring machines , electronic production , office technology

  13. 悬臂式三座标测量机

    Cantilever type coordinate measuring machine

  14. 关于桥式三座标测量机精度分析的探讨关节臂式坐标测量机标定系统的设计

    An Approach to Accuracy Analysis for Three Coordinate Measuring Machine of Bridge Type Construction Study on Calibration System of Articulated Arm Flexible CMMs

  15. 本文扼要叙述了双频激光技术在三座标测量机上的应用,介绍了其测量原理及其特点;

    The paper points out the application of two-frequency laser technique to the 3-coordinate measuring machine , the measuring principle and its features .

  16. 这种方法也能用于其他空间机构的分析计算和建立三座标测量机误差修正的数学模型。

    This method can also be used to analyze other spatial mechanisms and to set up a mathematical model of error correction for the coordinate measuring machine .

  17. 该仪器为三座标测量机、数控机床等设备的圆轨迹运动误差的动态检测提供了新的重要手段。

    The instrument provides a new and important method for the dynamic test of circular locus motion errors of3-d measuring machines , NC machine tools and other equipments .

  18. 现行的三座标测量机的测量不确定度的标定方法主要有两种:按各单轴示值误差标定法和直接给出三维空间示值误差法。

    To determine the uncertainty of a coordinate measuring machine , two cali - bration methods , which are calibrations of indicating errors of each axis and 3-dimensional volumetric errors , have been widely employed in practice .

  19. 本文概述各种误差补偿的方法,并对三座标测量机和形位测量中应用的误差补偿技术予以较详细的讨论。

    An overview of different methods of error compensation is given in the paper . The error compensation techniques used in 3-D coordinate measuring machines and in form and position error measurements are discussed in more detail .