
  • 网络DTM;dem;Topographical modeling;Digital Terrain Model, DTM
  1. 数字地形模型数据获取方法及精度分析

    The technique for acquisition of DTM data and an analysis of its precision

  2. 多波束数据的海底数字地形模型构建

    Construction of Submarine DTM from Raw Multibeam Data

  3. 面向GIS的连云港市航道数字地形模型建设

    The Digital Terrain Model Establishment of Lianyungang Channel by using GIS

  4. GIS数字地形模型的建立及应用研究

    Establishment of digital terrain model of GIS and its application

  5. 为了解决这一问题,本文提出了一种改进的LevelOfDetail(LOD)算法来简化地形模型。

    To solve this problem , we present an improved Level of Detail ( LOD ) algorithm .

  6. TIN数字地形模型的通视性算法

    Inter-Visibility Algorithms on TIN Digital Terrain Model

  7. 基于RS的山地植被NPP遥感地形模型研究

    Remote Sensing Terrain Model of Mountain Land Vegetation NPP

  8. 根据上述算法,编制了针对3D地形模型的渲染程序,实现了对3D山石模型的快速渲染,使之体现了具有国画风格的绘画效果。

    According to the algorithms above , a system for rapid 3D terrain model rendering is developed , which achieves the effect of Chinese painting .

  9. 高效构建Delaunay三角网数字地形模型算法研究

    Study on Faster Algorithm for Constructing Delaunay Triangulations DTM

  10. 声纳测深结合DGPS方法建立海底地形模型

    Establishment for the model of submarine terrain with sonar system and DGPS

  11. OpenGL是功能强大的三维图形库,可方便地制作三维地形模型。

    OpenGL is a powerful 3D graphics library and can be used expediently to create three dimension terrain model .

  12. 规则格网(Grid)是数字地形模型(DTM)最常用的表示方法,有着广泛的应用。

    Regular grid , as one common description method of the digital terrain model , is widely used in many fields .

  13. 数字地形模型(DTM)是资源信息系统中的重要组成部分。

    Digital terrain model ( DTM ) is an important component of a resource information system .

  14. 简要介绍DEM及三维地形模型的概念,在此基础之上,着重研究了坡度分析、坡向分析和平面曲率分析技术;

    After briefly introducing the digital elevation models ( DEM ), the paper mainly studies the grade analysis , aspect analysis and plan curvature analysis .

  15. 着重研究了数字地形模型中的TIN生成算法,给出了带特征线约束的Delaunay三角网最优算法的研究及实现。

    The method of generating DTM is examined in detail . An optimal algorithm is designed to create a Delaunay TIN with constraint of feature lines .

  16. 在以Delaunay三角剖分作为理论的基础上,给出了基于离散无序散乱点来建立三角形网格地形模型的生成算法和数据结构。

    On the base of the theory of Delaunay triangulation , the triangulation algorithm of discrete points and its data structure are presented .

  17. 利用数字影像自动提取数字地形模型(DTM)的关键是影像匹配。

    Image matching is the key stage for Digital Terrain Model ( DTM ) automatical aquisition using with digital images .

  18. 将数字地形模型引入路基设计CAD中,可有效地解决路基排水设施的设置等关键问题;

    By introducing the Digital Terrain Model ( DTM ) to computer aided subgrade design ( subgrade CAD ) system , the problem about how to design the drainage facilities by computer automatically can ho solved effectively .

  19. 在生成DEM模型后,采用基于视点的LOD算法对三维地形模型进行简化,得到最终的DEM模型。

    DEM generated in the model , based on the viewpoint of the LOD algorithm for three-dimensional terrain model can be simplified , the final DEM model .

  20. 通过建立地形模型(DTM)和探采工程系统模型,辅助矿床开采设计。

    By the establishment of digital terrain model and exploration and exploitation engineering system model , to assist exploitation designment of deposit .

  21. 其次,本文对于建立实时、连续视觉相关控制的三维地形模型及LOD地形模型简化技术也进行了初步研究与实验。

    At the same time , the new methods on controlling real-time continuous , view-dependent terrain model and simplifying the LOD model are studied and experimented .

  22. 利用Phong光照模型来模拟SAR成像中的面散射特性,3D地形模型中每个三角形的反射系数,对应于SAR成像中小面元的后向散射系数。

    Using the Phong lighting model to simulate the backscatter characteristics of plane facets . The reflective coefficients of triangles in the 3D terrain model are corresponding to backscatter coefficients of facets .

  23. 并提出用差分GPS配合声纳测深进行动态连续定位,从而建立海底地形模型的设想。根据水下地形测量数据检测测深仪精度及可靠性的方法探讨

    The author proposed a tentative idea about forming the model of submarine terrain by the model of DGPS combining with Sonar system . Discussion about How to Check up the Precision and Reliability of Sounding Instruments Using the Submarine Terrain Dataes

  24. 并运用OpenGL的相关函数对生成的地形模型进行透视投影变换、纹理映射等渲染处理,实现纹理映射、三维图形输出、漫游、旋转、缩放等功能。

    Use the related functions of OpenGL to conduct screen perspective projection and texture mapping , realize the functions of texture mapping , output of three-dimensional graph , roam , rotation and scaling .

  25. 在此基础上把理论和算法与地形模型生成相结合,提出简化的插入算法,融合了DEM点的筛选处理,解决了边界点的获取问题。

    After applying DT ( D , V ) theory to 3D terrain modeling , the dissertation resolves the problem of boundary points and filtering points , and simplifies the insertion algorithm in practice .

  26. 从离散点内插规则格网数字地形模型(DTM)方法的关键是如何提高待插点周围数据的搜索效率。

    To generate regular grid digital terrain model ( DTM ) from scattered points , the key problem is to improve the efficiency of searching neighbor points .

  27. 介绍了GIS数字地形模型(DTM)的构造原理和方法,用离散点移动拟合距离加权平均插值方法生成了GIS数字高程模型(DEM)。

    The principles and approaches for building Digital Terrain Model ( DTM ) of GIS are presented . The test generates Digital Elevation Model ( DEM ) with the distance weighted average interpolation of shifting imitation for dispersed elevation points .

  28. 用海面地形模型WSST·90B确定的海洋环流

    The Determination of Ocean Circulation by SST Model WSST · 90B

  29. 介绍了运用OpenGL图形标准制作真实感三维地形模型的技术方法,阐述了OpenGL的工作原理和三维模型的生成步骤及其相关问题和研究方向。

    This paper introduces the technique and method of making three dimensional terrain model by OpenGL graphics standard , and expounds the working principle of OpenGL , creating steps of three dimensional model , related problem and study direction .

  30. 以AutodeskCivil3D为基础软件平台,具体将采用内存映射文件技术、内存池技术、三角剖分技术、数据渲染技术等来实现三维数字地形模型。

    Autodesk Civil 3D as software platform , will use memory mapping technology , the memory pool , triangulation technology and data rendering technology to achieve three-dimensional digital terrain model .