
  • 网络Air Méditerranée;British Mediterranean
  1. 黎巴嫩救援组已找到坠落到地中海的埃塞俄比亚航空公司喷气式客机的飞行记录器。

    Lebanese search teams have retrieved the flight data recorder from the Ethiopian Airlines jet that crashed in the Mediterranean , officials say .

  2. 土议会星期四投票表决通过了同意美军飞越其领空的议案,这意味着驻扎在地中海的由航空母舰承载的美军战机将更快捷地飞往伊拉克。

    Turkey 's parliament voted Thursday to allow the United States to use its airspace , a measure that would allow attack jets on aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean to fly more directlysintosiraq .