
  • 网络Office Furniture
  1. 为了给晚会腾出空间,我们重新安排了办公室家具。

    We rearranged the office furniture to make room for the party .

  2. 你有指明新的办公室家具要放在哪里吗?

    Did you specify where the new office furniture was to be put ?

  3. 拨划2500美元购置办公室家具。

    $ 2500is allocated to office furniture .

  4. 维修办公室家具、设施及设备所需付款应按月或部分支付。

    Payment for maintaining office furniture , fittings and equipment shall be by the month or part thereof .

  5. 办公室家具。写字台和储物用家具。可移动部件的强度和耐久性的测定用试验方法。

    Office furniture-Tables and desks and storage furniture-Test methods for the determination of strength and durability of moving parts .

  6. 一些公司不得不转向家庭和办公室家具市场以寻找新顾客。

    Some companies have had to look to the home and office furniture markets to piek up the slack .

  7. 我们办公室的家具则是数不清的用过的家具。

    Our office furniture was a collection of hand-me-downs .

  8. 承接国内外酒店、宾馆、别墅以及总裁办公室木制家具的订单、产品设计开发及客户服务。

    We deal in the business of developing and handling the project of real wood facility for the hotel , the villa and the GM office .

  9. 不附家具的,无设备的。furnished则是「附家具的」。「家具」是furniture(这个字是集合名词,不可数)办公室不附家具,不过很干净。

    unfurnished ( a. ) The office comes unfurnished , but clean .

  10. 他的办公室用新式家具装饰得十分雅致。

    His office is tastefully furnished with modern furniture .

  11. 用在办公室里的家具。

    Furniture intended for use in an office .

  12. 一旦到这种书面许可,承包商应该从现场立即移除这些办公室和相关家具。

    On being issued with such written approval the Contractor shall promptly remove the of-fices and its associated facilities and furnishings from the site .

  13. 我们知道的许多东西是不需要理解就能学到的,如脸、人际交往、态度、优美的旋律、品牌名称、房间布置、房间或办公室里的家具等。

    Most of what we know we learn without understanding : things like faces , social interactions , attitudes , melodies , brand names , the arrangement of rooms , and furniture in our houses and offices .

  14. 我们的新办公室需要添些家具。

    We 'll want more furniture for the new office .

  15. 这就是为什么新型办公室会将休闲家具和传统办公桌椅结合在一起。

    That 's why offices are creating a new mixture of furniture zones that offer both laid-back and traditional seating options .

  16. 瑞驰上海分公司(瑞梵)现已发展成为中国专业从事一条龙办公室搬迁及办公家具拆装服务的龙头公司。

    Now Relox Shanghai has developed as the one leading office relocation services company in china , which specialized in offering a complete set of services on office move and after-care services .

  17. 包含用于办公室套间、会议室、家具布局和办公室平面布置图的办公室家具和工作台面。

    Contains office furnishings and work surfaces for office suites , conference rooms , furniture arrangements and office floor plans .

  18. 那心形银坠离开了办公室,一路上愤愤不平,自个儿晃晃悠悠地撞上了办公室里的家具,撞得乒乓作响。

    The silver heart left the office , swinging and banging itself independently against the office furniture as it indignantly departed .