
  • 网络Office Space;Office accommodation
  1. 建筑规划包括紧缺的新办公用房在内。

    The building plans include much needed new office accommodation .

  2. 第二种是在伦敦西区(WestEnd)拥有一套足够放几张桌子的办公用房。

    The second is to own enough office space for a few desks in the city 's West End .

  3. 新建楼区将由66栋住房和一些办公用房组成。

    The development will consist of 66 dwellings and a number of offices .

  4. 均设置有维修加工区及人员办公用房。

    The workshops are provided with maintenance working area and staff offices .

  5. 各鉴定站有固定的办公用房、办公设备。

    The identification of a fixed office space station and office equipment .

  6. 中德政府办公用房建设标准比较研究

    Comparative Research on Building Standard of Governmental Office Buildings between China and Germany

  7. 我国地方党政机关办公用房的立法思考

    The Legislative Considerations about the Office Rooms of the Local Party and Government Organizations in China

  8. 他们增添一间办公用房的申请将在下一周提交计划委员会审批。

    Their application to add a room to their office goes before the planning committee next week .

  9. 居民委员会的办公用房,由当地人民政府统筹解决。

    The office premises for a residents committee shall be made available by the local people 's government through overall planning .

  10. 完不成保障性安居工程建设任务的城市,一律不得兴建和购置政府办公用房。

    To finish supportability project construction of city living task , are not allowed to build and purchase the government office premises .

  11. 成熟的区域环境和便捷的交通条件,在该区域的办公用房仍是重点供应和需求。

    Mature regional environment and convenient traffic conditions in the region for office space is still the focus of supply and demand .

  12. 暂时租用的办公用房:为解决用房需求的增加和装修而租用的房屋。中德政府办公用房建设标准比较研究

    Churn factor : Leased space to handle demand surge and space modifications . Comparative Research on Building Standard of Governmental Office Buildings between China and Germany

  13. 会员可以使用设在加利福尼亚海沃德部的办公用房和展厅设施推销产品和其他会员发展业务联系。

    Members can use the office and showroom facilities at its headquarters in Hayward , California to promote sales of products and develop business relationships with other members .

  14. 个人商业用房贷款是指银行向借款人发放的购置自营性商业用房和自用办公用房的贷款。

    Personal commercial housing loan means a loan lent by any bank to the borrower for it to purchase a self-operated commercial housing or a self-used official housing .

  15. 不论是投资方、建筑师还是入驻用户,都十分关心高层商务写字楼可租用的办公用房,而对起空间联系与导向作用的路径空间却缺乏关注。

    Wether investors , architects or the users , pay great attention to the leased office space of the tall office buildings , but pay little attention to the path space which takes a role of a spatial contact .

  16. 北京市人民检察院新建办公业务用房工程结构设计

    Structural Design of New Office Building of the People 's Procuratorate of Beijing

  17. 学院各种类型的教学、科研、办公和活动用房齐备:全数字化语音教学实验室5个,多媒体语言实验室1个(90座),240座多功能报告厅1个,多媒体教室12个;

    To date , the school has5 Digital Sound Labs , 1 Multi-media Language Lab with a total seating capacity of90 , one Multi-Functional Lecture Theater ( 240 seats ) and12 multi-media classrooms .

  18. 建筑使用功能沿高层竖向往往要发生变化,底部楼层常作为商场、餐厅、展览厅、文化娱乐等公共用房,上部楼层作为住宅、办公、旅馆等用房。

    The functions of buildings are usually changed with shops , restaurants , exhibition halls and amusement halls located at bottom stories and houses , offices and hotels located at top stories .