
  1. 我认为我妹妹还太小不适合办晚会。

    I think my younger sister still too young for sleepover parties .

  2. 有时候我们溯流而上去大家最喜欢的回河汊办晚会

    Sometimes we go upstreams to a favourite backwater

  3. 格德布鲁斯一家为他的孩子办晚会。

    Goldbluths having the party for his kid .

  4. 我跟其他女生的意见相同:办晚会太吵了。

    Alice : I 'm with other girls on it : an evening party is too noisy .

  5. 草:那该谁来帮你办生日晚会呢?

    Grass : so * Who 's going to organize your party ?

  6. 反正俱乐部也要办个晚会。

    The club is throwing a holiday party anyway .

  7. 一些关于为迪·亚当斯办的晚会?

    Something about a party for De Adams ?

  8. 约翰昵说,“说不定我还要请你到我办的晚会上唱唱歌。”

    Johnny said . " and maybe I 'll let you sing at my parties . "

  9. 没办法庆祝生日或办圣诞晚会,没有礼物或新裙,没有新鞋子或玩具。

    You will get no birthday or Christmas parties , no presents or new dresses , no shoes or toys .

  10. 正式场合我总是叫他艾斯科男爵我们今天办这个晚会说到底就为这事

    It 's proper to refer to my husband as lord ascot.That is why we 're having this little soir é e after all .

  11. 约翰昵说,说不定我还要请你到我办的晚会上唱唱歌。女:贺新春,唱新春,说不完心中欢乐无限。

    Johnny said . " And maybe I 'll let you sing at my parties . " Celebrating the new spring , we are full of happiness .

  12. 今晚我们要办一个晚会。

    We ( are going to ) have a party tonight .

  13. 我们想为医院办个集资晚会。

    We 're throwing a little fund-raiser for the hospital .

  14. 教室足够大到办一场晚会。

    The classroom is big enough for a party .

  15. 他要办个节日晚会。

    He 's having a gala evening .

  16. 凯萨琳·麦克道尔想要办一个晚会,只邀请她八年级班上最酷的同学。

    Catherine McDowall wanted to host a party of only the coolest kids in her eighth grade class .

  17. 不过,亲爱的,她丈夫插话道,你忘了他给孩子们办的圣诞晚会了。

    ' But , my dear , 'said her husband , 'you 're forgetting the Christmas party he gave for the children . '

  18. 我们办了一个晚会,庆贺妈妈的银婚纪念日。

    We had a party to celebrate mother 's silver wedding .

  19. 由于你我的生日在同一天,我们可以办一个联合晚会。

    We could have a joint party , seeing your birthday is the same day as mine .