
  1. 这个暑假我要去旅游。

    I 'm going to travel this summer vacation .

  2. 人们很容易陷入这种怪圈:“我要去旅游,但现在不行,明年吧,明年我就去。”可到最后也没成行。

    It 's so easy to get stuck in this cycle of " I 'm going to go - I can 't go right now - I 'll go next year - I 'm going to go , " and never get out of it .

  3. 今年我要去中国旅游,因为我对中国的历史和文化很感兴趣。

    I 'm going to visit China this year because I 'm very interested in China 's history and culture .

  4. 今年八月以后,我要去南方旅游。

    I 'm going to travel in south after this August .

  5. 下个月我要去香港旅游一趟。

    I 'm going on a tour of Hong Kong next month .

  6. 我要去欧洲旅游,然后写下我的经历。

    I will make a tour of Europe and then write it .

  7. 我要去西安旅游,请告诉我有关它的情况!

    I will go to Xian travel , Tell me about it , please !

  8. 我下周要出国旅游了,所以得去银行把人民币兑换成美金。

    I am going to travel abroad , so I go to exchange some RMB for dollars in bank .

  9. 全球化的快速发展推动着旅游全球化,我国要成为旅游强国,必须要融入到世界旅游业当中,和国际旅游业全方位接轨。

    The rapid development of globalization promotes the process of tourism globalization , China must integrate into the world tourism with all fronts coming close to the international tourism if she wants to become a tourist power .

  10. 我马上要去北京旅游4天。

    I am leaving for belling on a four-day tour .

  11. 我能要一个旅游手册吗?

    May I have a brochure of the tours ?

  12. 1998年我国确定要使旅游业成为国民经济新的增长点,旅游业具备成为我国支柱产业的条件;

    It has the necessary conditions to become a national pillar industry . In 1998 the country decided to make the tourism industry a new national economic growth point .

  13. 我很兴奋。我要去旅游了。

    I am excited . I am going on a big trip .