
  1. 冷我不怕。

    The cold doesn 't worry me

  2. “我不怕公平地打上一架,但是这玩笑有点儿开过头了。”

    I 'm not afraid of a fair fight but this is beginning to get beyond a joke .

  3. 就这么办吧,我不怕落埋怨。

    Let 's do it that way , then . I don 't mind taking the blame .

  4. 我不怕困难,因为它们给我挑战。

    Yet I will welcome obstacles for they are my challenge .

  5. 他们为我不怕麻烦。

    They went to a lot of trouble on my behalf .

  6. 我不怕她你应该怕她

    I 'm not afraid of her.Well , you should be .

  7. 我不怕打雷,可是闪电使我畏惧。

    I don 't mind thunder , but lightning frightens me .

  8. 我不怕,我在死亡边缘很多次了。

    I 'm not . I 've been around death plenty .

  9. 让他尽力使坏好了,我不怕。

    Let him do his worst ; I 'm not afraid .

  10. 我不怕被这种方式耍。

    I 'm not afraid to be shown up that way ?

  11. 我不怕。我准备好了随时都可以承诺。

    Chandler : I don 't.I 'm ready to commit anytime .

  12. 我不怕,我准备好了。

    I 'm not afraid . I 'm up for it .

  13. 你会作噩梦-但我不怕啊

    You get nightmares . - But I 'm not scared .

  14. 我不怕她你该怕她

    I 'm not afraid of her . You should be .

  15. 因为他们知道我不怕�

    Because they know I 'm not afraid of you . Ohh .

  16. 那就是我不怕你的原因。

    That 's why I 'm not afraid of you .

  17. 所以,距离和时间,我不怕你们。

    I won 't be afraid of you , distance and time .

  18. 我不怕飞行,我很爱坐飞机。

    I 'm not afraid of flying . I love to fly .

  19. 你说得对,我不怕,走吧

    You 're right . I 'm fine . Go .

  20. 这家伙我不怕,但她是谁?

    This one is easy , but who is she ?

  21. 你们有很多人,但我不怕。

    There 're lots of you , but I 'm not afraid .

  22. 来吧,我不怕你。

    Come on ! I 'm not afraid of you .

  23. 如果他认为我不怕他,他就要大动肝火。

    He would be provoked if he didn 't think I feared him .

  24. 斜面看到我不怕你吗?

    Cant you see that I am not afraid ?

  25. 我不怕你,达西笑着说。

    ' I am not afraid of you ,' said Darcy , smiling .

  26. 我不怕费事,尽力修理我的自行车。

    I take the trouble to repair my bicycle .

  27. 我不怕那些呕吐物,我是在帮忙。

    I 'm not fazed by the sick , I 'm being useful .

  28. 不我不怕她

    No , I 'm not afraid of her .

  29. 你以为我不怕你们传出去?

    Don 't you think I 'd be afraid you 'd spread the news ?

  30. 我不怕吃苦,我什么都能做。

    We need employees who can endure hardship .