
  • 网络I will;I Wish
  1. 我愿借此机会向大家表示感谢。

    I wish to take this opportunity to thank you all .

  2. 我愿敞开心扉,向你倾诉一切。

    I wish to open my heart and tell you everything .

  3. 她问我愿不愿意给她上英语课。

    She asked me if I would give her English lessons .

  4. 只要能再见他一面我愿付出任何代价。

    I 'd give anything to see him again .

  5. 我愿把这些信借给你,但只准你一个人看。

    I 'll lend you the letters but they 're for your eyes only .

  6. 从较为个人的角度我愿感谢琼给予我的一切帮助。

    On a more personal level , I would like to thank Jean for all the help she has given me .

  7. 我愿把终身托付给他。

    I 'd trust him with my life .

  8. 我愿把毕生献给教育事业。

    I will devote all my life to the cause of education .

  9. 如果你决定聘用约翰,我愿为他的行为担保。

    I 'll engage for John 's behaviour should you decide to employ him .

  10. 这件家具不错,我愿按价付款。

    It is a good piece of furniture and I want to give value for value .

  11. 有机会我愿随时帮你。

    I am willing to assist whenever there is an opportunity .

  12. 为了能获得驾驶协和飞机的机会,我愿不惜任何代价。

    I 'd give my ears for a chance to fly on concorde .

  13. 我愿他不再在城里鬼混,追逐妙龄少女。

    I wish he would stop chasing around the town after young women .

  14. 我愿为它赌五先令。

    I will venture five shillings on it .

  15. 我愿告诉你有笔生意已按每吨100元成交。

    I wish to advise you that business has been done at100 yuan per ton .

  16. 在此,我愿强调以下几点:

    I want to stress some points as follows .

  17. 我愿供给你所需要的一切。

    I will furnish all you need .

  18. 秋天,这北国的秋天,若留得往的话,我愿把寿命的三分之二折去,换得一个三分之一的零头。

    Autumn , I mean Northern autumn , if only it could be made to last forever ! I would be more than willing to keep but one-third of my life-span and have two-thirds of it bartered for the prolonged stay of the season !

  19. 我愿为艺术自由去做任何事,哪怕是去看一部罗根和詹姆斯·弗兰科(JamesFranco)主演的兄弟情喜剧电影。

    I 'd do anything to do my bit for artistic freedom , including watching a buddy-movie comedy that stars Mr. Rogen and James Franco .

  20. 欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)主席让-克洛德•容克(Jean-ClaudeJuncker)表示:“我愿与你合作,为英国的欧盟成员国身份达成公平的协议。”

    Jean-Claude Juncker , European Commission president , said : " I stand ready to work with you to strike a fair deal for the United Kingdom in the EU . "

  21. 基于当前实现,我愿为着手新项目的人们推荐dom4j,而不是JDOM。

    Based on the present implementations I 'd recommend dom4j rather than JDOM for anyone starting a new project .

  22. 马丁,你知道我愿为你做任何事。

    Martin , you know I 'd do anything for you .

  23. 如果你没有钱,我愿借给你一些。

    If you have no money I will lend you some .

  24. 我愿你能够和你的孩子们分享故事。

    I wish you could have shared stories with your children .

  25. 我愿你享受了生命的每一刻。

    I hope you 're enjoying every minute of your life .

  26. 我愿让你选择死的方式。

    I will let you choose the manner of your death .

  27. 我愿向全世界证明他是正确的。

    I wIll prove to the world that he was fIght .

  28. 我愿祝你一路阳光普照。

    I 'd make a wish for sunshine all the while .

  29. 我愿替你做这件事,只消给我一点小小的报酬。

    I will do it for you for a small consideration .

  30. 我愿作他,最钟爱的问候,和最不舍的告别。

    I want to be his favorite hello and hardest goodbye .