
  1. 具有建筑行业特色的GIS课程体系设置探讨

    Research on GIS course system setting with architecture characteristic

  2. 解决这一难题的有效方法是采用一个适合自己行业特色的CRM软件。

    An efficient solution is to exploit suitable software for the distribution .

  3. 中国MBA行业特色教育的分析与发展对策

    Analysis on China Profession Specialized MBA Education and Its Countermeasures

  4. BPM中的行业特色:业务灵活性和响应能力是关系到业务解决方案能否成功的关键方面。

    Industry flavour in BPM : Business flexibility and responsiveness is a key dimension for success of any business solution .

  5. 设计中采用了经过加密的XML文档作为数据交换的媒体,并建立具有行业特色的XML方言;

    According to the design of the data exchange center , the encrypted XML documents is used as bridge of data exchange which is constructed by the unique XML language with power business style .

  6. 由于中国卷烟工业企业与国外的大型烟草企业在体制、竞争环境、管理水平、企业规模上存在较大的差距,中国卷烟工业企业需要探索出一条具有本国行业特色的ERP应用之路。

    Since great disparity exists between Chinese cigarette industrial enterprise and huge foreign tobacco enterprises in not only society system , but competition environment and administration level as well as business scale , the Chinese cigarette industrial enterprise needs to probe out a special way to apply ERP .

  7. 突出行业特色的自动化人才培养模式探索

    Training Mode of Special Talents of Automation Based on Industry Needs

  8. 行业特色高校的专业结构调整及对策

    Surveying Specialty Structure Adjustment and Strategies of a University with Industrial Features

  9. 依托建筑行业特色,优化安全学科建设

    Optimization of Safety Discipline Construction with Consideration on the Characteristics of Construction Industry

  10. 建设具有鲜明建筑行业特色的精品课程

    Building the Choice Course with Bright Building Trade Character

  11. 事业体制的行业特色与政府的政策选择&关于艺术表演团体改革的政治学分析

    Business Character of Institutional System & Governmental Policy-Choice

  12. 该控制系统可以由用户自主开发具有行业特色的控制软件。

    The users can develop the control system software with industry characteristics by themselves .

  13. 而且宣传册也应该反应贵公司的行业特色。

    And the brochure should also reflect the characteristics of the industry your company is in .

  14. 努力构建行业特色鲜明的实训基地

    Constructing Training Base with Specialized Characteristics

  15. 在选择词语时,着重挑选富有行业特色的词藉,希望能形成一个词汇专题。

    When selecting words , focusing on characteristic words , hoping to form a relatively complete industry vocabulary system .

  16. 作为公路养护单位具有行业特色的会计制度,必须适应新形势的要求。

    As the accountant system characteristic of the industry , it must give its own reply to the new requirements .

  17. 科学发展观视域下行业特色型大学核心竞争力的培育

    The Cultivation of Core Competitiveness of Industry Characteristics Institutions of Higher Learning on the Horizon of the Scientific Outlook on Development

  18. 本文对行业特色型大学继续教育的常见模式:自主培训模式、委托培训模式进行了分析。

    This paper analyze the common mode of continuing education in industry characteristic university : self-training mode , commissioned training mode .

  19. 我国目前基于没有行业特色的工业设计专业,应是一值得提倡的发展方向。

    Currently , China does not have disciplines of industrial design with special features , which is an advisable trend to be followed .

  20. 实证结果表明:从总体上看,现阶段我国上市公司社会责任会计信息的价值相关性不强,但是,由于行业特色的存在,不同行业之间的价值相关性迥异。

    The empirical study result shows that the correlation between stock price and social responsibility accounting information is weak and obviously different from each industry .

  21. 行业特色以及国内建设管理的行政体制使其工作过程及工作成果无统一衡量标准。

    Because of the character of the industry and domestic administrative system of construction management , it is hard to measure the working process and results .

  22. 高水平行业特色型大学是我国高等教育的优质资源,具有鲜明行业背景特色的财经类高校向高水平大学的发展过程中面临着一些突出的问题和矛盾。

    To build a high-quality university out of a university of finance and economics with clear-cut professional characteristics , there are lots of problems and contradiction .

  23. 在文章第四章节中,笔者结合我国各项有关改革的进展及日韩商社组织经营运作特征,创新地构造了符合汽车行业特色的综合商社模式,并且对其业务经营与发展作了分析展望。

    In the following parts , with the combination of policies ' reform in china , and the comprehensive stores ' operation characteristics in Japan and Korea .

  24. 并且构建了基于铁路行业特色的大学生职业生涯规划体系,这是本文的核心内容,也是一个创新点。

    Building up the career planning system for the graduates of railway sector characterized specialty , is the major part of this thesis and is also an innovative point .

  25. 行业特色型大学在我国高等教育体系中占据重要地位,是促进我国经济发展、社会进步的中坚力量。

    Industry special type of the university in our higher education system occupies an important position ; it is to promote our economic development and social progress of the backbone .

  26. 镇湖刺绣要走产业化道路,突破现存的阻碍,必须寻求一种适应文化产业,特别是适应刺绣行业特色的技能人才培养方式。

    For industrialization and breaking through the existing obstacles own lake embroidery must seek a kind way adapt to cultural industry , especially to the industrial characteristic to embroidery skills talent cultivation mode .

  27. 而直接面向客户的分销业务是整个供应链的核心和重心,建设具有服装行业特色的分销系统是服装企业的关键任务。

    Customer-oriented distribution business is the core and center of the entire supply chain . Construction of the distribution system with characteristics of the apparel industry is a key part of garment enterprises .

  28. 结合港航工程及水路运输行业特色,构造测定港航企业竞争力的指标体系、港航企业竞争力评价的复合权重多目标决策模型;

    Considering the character of HN engineering and the water transportation industry , build the indicator system and the compound-weight decision model with multi-object to appraise the competitive power of the enterprises in HN field ;

  29. 基于现有研究成果,针对煤矿行业特色,深入探索复垦土地优化利用的分析方法、程序和特点。

    Aiming at coal industry and basing on the study results in existence , the paper goes deep into groping for the analyse method , program and characteristic of the optimization use on reclaimed land .

  30. 行业特色型大学的建设与发展状况直接关系着行业的科技进步、高教办学资源及高教强国建设。

    The construction and development status of characteristic of industrial university have a direct relation with the progress of science and technology of industry , resources of higher education and powerful nation by higher education .