
  • 网络administrative area
  1. 金科大酒店位于重庆最重要的行政管理区,是中国生态花园酒店结合最完美的五星级商务酒店。

    Located at the heart of the most important administrative area , Chongqing Jinke Grand Hotel is an ecological paradise of garden hotel .

  2. 最初作为港口发展起来的城市,其主要商务区和行政管理区都位于靠近码头的地方。

    Cities which began as ports retained the chief commercial and administrative centre of the city close to the waterfront .

  3. 医院的六楼曾经是病房区,后来改成卫生保健区但是病人们都不同意,因此最终作为了行政管理办公区。

    The sixth floor of the hospital had once been a patient floor , but with changes in health care , patient census declined , and that floor was turned into administrative offices .

  4. 台州市工商行政管理局黄岩区分局

    " Sub-Administration for Industry and Commerce of Huangyan District , Taizhou Municipality "