
  • 网络Booby;Gannet;sula sula
鲣鸟 [jiān niǎo]
  • [gannet] 构成鲣鸟科(Sulidae)若干大的、蹼足、食鱼的海鸟之一,飞行距离远,长时期逗留在海上,大群繁殖,主要生活在海岛上

  1. 在加拉帕戈斯群岛,这一对蓝脚鲣鸟正在检查这彼此。

    Here in the Galapagos Islands , this pair of blue-footed boobies check each other out .

  2. 这些鲣鸟并不在乎。

    Not that the boobies care .

  3. 鲣鸟栖息在外海地区。

    Gannets are denizens of the open ocean .

  4. 从一边到另一边的斯蒂芬妮匠鲣鸟是弹跳。

    From side to side BOOBIES of Stephanie Carpenter are bouncing .

  5. 现在比如说,有只鬣蜥蜴在鲣鸟领地徘徊。

    Now , let 's say though an iguana wanders into a booby land .

  6. 从这个物种的名字你就可以看出,蓝脚鲣鸟也不例外。

    As you might tell it from the name of the species itself , blue-footed boobies are no exception to this rule .

  7. 鲣鸟会海鬣蜥睡觉的地方繁育,所以鬣蜥蜴还是有理由呆在这里的。

    The boobies tend to breed where the marine iguana spend the night , so this iguana does have a reason to be here .

  8. 因此,这种舞姿—揭露了脚掌的颜色,所以雌性不会把它们和红脚鲣鸟或是蟹脚鲣鸟弄混。

    Hence , this dance - the revelation of foot color , so that the female will not by mistake mate with a red-footed booby , or even a crab-footed booby .
