
  • 网络exploration area;Prospecting Areas;exploration block;exploration region
  1. 水文地质对新华勘探区煤炭资源的开发利用

    Development and Utilization of Coal Resource in Xinhua Exploration Area by Hydrogeology

  2. 白额勘探区10~煤层煤层气初探

    The Baie exploration area of 10 ~ # coal seam of CBM exploration

  3. 采用多种数值图像进行线性构造解译,其中DEM和NOAA主要用于区域尺度,TM用于勘探区尺度,地面磁法数据用于靶区范围的解译分析。

    On the basis of lineament interpretation of DEM , TM , NOAA and ground magnetics , this study suggests that lineaments spatially coupled with gold deposits distribution .

  4. 采用瞬变电磁法(transientelectromagneticmethod),通过连续观测,可以获得地震勘探区地表及近地表结构的电性剖面,利用岩性与电性的关系,建立地表及近地表地质模型。

    By using transient electromagnetic method and by continuous survey , the electric seismic profile of the surface or near-surface texture in target area can be obtained , and the velocity-depth model can be developed by the relationship between the lithology and the electric feature .

  5. 浅析平阳勘探区煤炭资源的勘探开发

    General Analyzes in the Exploit of the Coal Resource of Pingyang Region

  6. 中国大中型气田有利勘探区带

    Exploration plays in large and middle gas fields in China

  7. 柴北缘深层气藏形成的地质条件及有利勘探区带

    Geological Conditions of Deep Gas Pools and Their Favorable Prospects

  8. 非洲油气勘探区战略选择建议

    Recommendations on strategic selection of exploration areas in Africa

  9. 新华勘探区可采煤层赋存特征及变化规律

    Storage charaters of mining coal seam in Xinhua exploration field and change rule

  10. 结论华北、西北地区是中国煤层甲烷的主要勘探区;

    Conclusion Major exploration region of Chinese coalbed methane are north and northwest China ;

  11. 斜井资料在三维地震勘探区的应用

    Inclined hole data applied to 3D seismic interpretation

  12. 中央背斜带是近期的重点勘探区带。

    At present , the central anticline belt is the major short-term exploration area .

  13. 最有利勘探区为大桥凹陷,其次为朱巷斜坡。

    Daqiao depression is the most favorable exploration area and Zhuxiang slope comes second .

  14. 库车坳陷东部古近系&白垩系储层控制因素及有利勘探区

    Controlling factors of the Paleogene-Cretaceous reservoirs and potential exploration areas in the eastern Kuqa Depression

  15. 早期勘探区断层封闭性评价方法

    A method of estimating of property sealing of a fault in a non mature region

  16. 涡北勘探区属于河网地带,难以进行正常的地震施工。

    Wobei exploration district is a drainage network area , it is hard to carry out seismic construction .

  17. 本文介绍了地震相干分析技术及其在四川龙岗油气勘探区某工区断层解释中的应用。

    The paper introduced seismic coherent analysis technology and its application in the fault interpretation of target area .

  18. 山西朔南勘探区煤层煤质特征及沉积环境控制

    The Characteristics of Coal Seams and Coal Quality and the Sedimentary Environment Control in Southern Shouxian , Shanxi

  19. 简单西块南部构造高部位为剩余气的有利勘探区;

    The high position in the south of west simple structural block is favourable for remaining gas exploration ;

  20. 而随着东部各主要以构造为主的油田资源的逐渐枯竭,西部隐蔽型岩性油气勘探区的地位逐渐凸显出来。

    With the gradual depletion of the eastern tectonic oilfield resources , western hidden reservoir exploration area is gradually becoming prominent .

  21. 煤层气储量、资源量级别主要受控于勘探区所处的勘探阶段和勘探程度。

    The grades of coalbed gas reserves and resources extents are mainly determined by exploration stage and degree of a wildcat area .

  22. 但当勘探区外的异常体为高阻时,虽然有相似的规律,但影响很小。

    When the abnormal body is resistive , the similar effect rules can be obtained , but the impact is very small .

  23. 推覆带下盘圈闭,有利勘探区带主要分布在桑植&石门复向斜之内。

    Traps within footwall of nappe structure belt , favorable regions for seeking out the traps distributing mainly within Sangzhi Shimen synclinorium .

  24. 依据勘探区的勘探程度建立了三种勘探项目评价模式。

    On the basis of exploration levels of exploration blocks , the three types of assessment model of exploration projects are set up .

  25. 传统上采用层状结构来描述地质模型,这对于复杂勘探区显然不能够满足需要。

    Traditionally , the geology structure is described by samdwich model , which can 't meet the needs in complex prospecting area obviously .

  26. 南部斜坡带是有利的油气勘探区带,断块、断鼻及岩性地层不整合油气藏是主要的勘探目标。

    The south slope is the advantageous belt for exploration . The main exploration targets are faulted blocks , faulted nose-shaped traps and litho-stratigraphic-unconformity traps .

  27. 山西朔南勘探区石炭二叠纪含煤岩系形成于华北聚煤盆地北部,其含煤层段主要是太原组和山西组。

    The Carbonic-Permian coal measures of Southern Shouxian of Shanxi located in Northern part of Huabei coal basin mainly consists of Taiyuan and Shanxi Formations .

  28. 柴西南七个泉-跃进地区位于柴达木盆地西部,是柴达木盆地最主要的油气勘探区和开发区。

    The Qigequan & Yuejin areas are situated in Southwestern Qaidam Basin , and are the main petroleum exploration and exploitation areas of Qaidam Basin .

  29. 巨野煤田煤层厚度大而稳定,勘探区构造中等偏复杂,因而采用地震先行、钻探验证的综合勘探方法。

    The comprehensive exploration methods have been used in the area , that is , seismic methods being first used , then drilling used to prove .

  30. 如何根据地质钻孔资料构建勘探区地层结构,一直是地学界研究的重要课题。

    How to build the stratum structure of geological exploration area that based on borehole data , has been an important research subject in academic circles .