
  • 网络Exploration Bureau
  1. 江苏石油勘探局将HSE管理体系应用于高集油田的开发过程。

    During the development of Gaoji oilfield , HSE management system is applied by Jiangsu petroleum exploration bureau .

  2. 长庆石油勘探局海外项目运作模式研究

    Analysis of Changqing Petroleum Exploration Bureau International Engineering Project Management System

  3. 美国地质勘探局(UnitedStatesGeologicalSurvey,USGS)发表了一个全面的美国机场的列表,包括IATA代码和纬度/经度(参见参考资料)。

    The United States Geological Survey ( USGS ) publishes a comprehensive list of airports in the United States , including the IATA codes and latitude / longitude points ( see Resources ) .

  4. 来自美国地质勘探局(USGS)的后来的报告估计4.2里氏震级的震动。

    Subsequent reports from the US Geological Survey ( USGS ) place the magnitude of the tremor at4.2 on the Richter scale .

  5. 纳帕县以其葡萄园闻名于世,在地震后又遭遇了5次余震。美国地质勘探局(UnitedStatesGeologicalSurvey,简称USGS)警告说,今后7天,震区周围10到20英里范围内有54%的可能性出现更多地震。

    Napa , the county famous for its vineyards , suffered five subsequent aftershocks and the United States Geological Center warned there was a 54 per cent chance of more earthquakes in the surrounding 10 to 20 miles in the next seven days .

  6. 问题:由于最近,我注意到美国地质勘探局(USGS)和紧急监援中心(EMSC)对待地震的报告有一点松懈。

    Question : As of late , I have observed that USGS and EMSC are a bit lax on their reports of earthquakes .

  7. 美国地质勘探局(USGS)的地球物理学家称,虽然有许多奇闻轶事,但是他们还没有找到狗狗或者其他动物的特定行为与地震之间的关联。

    Geophysicists at the U.S. Geological Survey have said that despite many anecdotes , they have not found a strong connection between specific dog or other animal behavior and earthquakes .

  8. 长庆石油勘探局钻井总公司;

    Drilling General Company of Changqing petroleum Exploration Bureau ; 2 .

  9. 长庆石油勘探局信息中心综合楼地基基础设计

    Ground foundation design of information center complex building of Changqing oil exploration

  10. 甘肃省地质勘探局科研综合楼结构设计

    Structural design of building complex of scientific research for Gansu Geological Prospecting Division

  11. 这份研究报告是由美国地质勘探局提供的,可在线访问。

    This report is available online from the USGS as a PDF file .

  12. 长庆石油勘探局组织结构优化研究

    Changqing Petroleum Exploration Bureau Organizational Structure Optimization Research

  13. 根据美国地质勘探局报告,这次的震中位于尤里卡西北偏西方向47英里。

    The earthquake 's epicenter was47 miles west-northwest of Eureka , according to the U.S.

  14. 长庆石油勘探局于2003年在多个生产作业领域开展了清洁生产审核试点工作,文中对井下作业试油A队的清洁生产审计工作进行了分析和阐述。

    The clean production auditing test of downhole operation in Changqing Oilfield is described .

  15. 中国石化江苏石油勘探局;

    Sinopec Jiangsu Petroleum Exploration Bureau ; 5 .

  16. 中国石油辽河石油勘探局工程技术研究院;

    Engineering and Technology Research Institute of PetroChina Liaohe Petroleum Exploitation Bureau ; 3 .

  17. 是美国地质勘探局地震监测的中枢机构

    is the United States Geological Survey , the nerve centre of earthquake monitoring .

  18. 辽河石油勘探局油田建设工程二公司,是老牌国有石油工程企业。

    Liaohe Second Oilfield Construction Company is a veteran of state-owned petroleum engineering enterprises .

  19. 1998-2003年河南石油勘探局新疆探区人群莱姆病监测结果分析

    Analysis of surveillance on Lyme disease in Xinjiang prospecting region of Henan oil prospecting bureau

  20. 中国石油长庆石油勘探局油气技术综合服务处;

    Oil & Gas Technology Service Department , PetroChina Changqing Petroleum Exploration Bureau ; 3 .

  21. 美国地质勘探局站,收录有美国地面及地下水数据资料。

    NWIS water data - USGS site with surface and ground water data for US .

  22. 我们可以用美国地质勘探局发布的很赞的火星地形图来记录水位上涨的过程。

    We can use the excellent USGS Mars Topographic Map to chart the water 's progress .

  23. 中原石油勘探局勘探开发研究院,河南濮阳;

    Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development , Zhongyuan Petroleum Exploration Administration , Puyang , Henan ;

  24. 美国地质勘探局最初报告说,余震发生了6.8级。(报告由威尔·敦哈姆提供)

    The USGS initially reported the aftershock had a6.8 magnitude . ( Reporting by Will Dunham )

  25. 长庆石油勘探局钻采工艺研究院在改革开拓中前进

    Drilling and Production Technology Research Institute of Changqing Petroleum Prospecting Bureau Advancing in the Reform and Development

  26. 这座小屋就是美国美国地质勘探局的科学家们的一座高科技监测站

    This ranch house is the high-tech outpost for a team of scientists from the US Geological Survey .

  27. 辽河石油勘探局化工总厂润滑油生产装置产生的白土渣含油量高。

    Clay residue produced from Liaohe petroleum exploration department chemical plant lubricating oil installation contains large quantity of oil .

  28. 继而运用国家与社会关系的分析框架,对勘探局搬迁以前的地方社会进行了分析。

    The author analyses the local society before its relocation with the analysis framework of relationship between state and society .

  29. 石油企业博士后管理流程与评价体系设计&以中国石油集团长庆石油勘探局为例

    Post-doctoral Management Process and Evaluation System Design of Petroleum Enterprises & An example : Changqing Petroleum Exploration Bureau of CNPC

  30. 核工业部西北地质勘探局发现人类化石经测定属晚期智人

    Human fossil discovered by north-west Bureau of Geology and exploration , Ministry of nuclear industry was determined to belong to Homo sapiens sapiens