
  1. 小燕遇到了史蒂芬,整个晚上都在和他聊天。

    Xiaoyan met Steve and spent all evening talking to him .

  2. 波利给小燕打电话看她是否想出去。

    Polly phones Xiaoyan to see if she wants to go out .

  3. 天凉了,老燕带着小燕飞往南方。

    Cold days , the old Yan Xiaoyan fly with the South .

  4. 小燕请客款待新朋友。

    Xiaoyan invites her new friends to dinner .

  5. 波利和小燕在一起呆了一段时间。

    Polly spends some time with xiaoyan .

  6. 小燕已经去巴黎了。

    Xiaoyan has gone to paris .

  7. 小燕加入健康中心。

    Xiaoyan joins a health center .

  8. 每到春天,总有一对燕子来我家孵化小燕。

    In spring , there will always be a pair of swallows to my home Xiaoyan incubator .

  9. [5]吞了硬币后,小燕觉得不舒服,便不停喝水。

    [ 5 ] After swallowing the coin , Xiao Yan felt bad and had to drink more water .

  10. 人生如戏,尽其演好你的每一个角色,无论任何时候,保持你的微笑!加油小燕。

    The life like play , it develops your each role , regardless at any time , maintains your smile ! Refuels young Yan .

  11. 此时群燕衔泥帮助筑巢,新巢终于又筑成,这对燕子又孵出一窝小燕。

    Yan Qun soil at this time the title to help build a new nest finally built , it also swallows Xiaoyan clutch hatched .

  12. 小燕说:我刚刚吞下了1元硬币,以后我会有很多零花钱了。

    Xiao Yan said , I just got outside of a 1-yuan coin into my belly , so I will have no end of pocket money .

  13. 小燕秋是个天生的青衣坯子,二十年前京剧奔月的演出,让人们认识了一个真正的嫦娥。

    Xiaoyanqiu was a born Tsingyi.20 years ago , she starred in " Flying to the Moon ", a play of Beijing Opera , which impressed the audience with a true Chiang-E.

  14. 小燕慢慢长大,待羽毛丰满,就随老燕在蓝天白云间穿梭飞行,成为乡村中一道美丽的风景。

    Xiaoyan slowly grew up to be full-fledged , on the old nest with blue sky and white clouds in the inter-shuttle flights , as a village in the beautiful scenery together .

  15. 小军也在彷徨,该不该了断这段交往,思来想去,他打算下班后去接小燕,顺便跟她说清楚,然后就此分手。

    Xiao Jun is also a loss , the exchanges should not have to settle this , thinking to want to go , he intends to pick up after work Xiaoyan , clear the way with her , and then split on this .