
  • 网络horizontal well drilling technology
  1. 小井深超深短半径水平井钻井技术在塔河油田的应用&以TK1105CH井为例

    Application of short radius horizontal well drilling technology in ultra-deep well in Tahe oilfield

  2. 四川水平井钻井技术的现状及发展方向

    The present situation of horizontal well drilling technology and its development direction in Sichuan

  3. H4三维绕障阶梯式水平井钻井技术

    Horizontal Drilling Techniques in H4 Three-dimensional Bypass Staggered Well

  4. 委内瑞拉ANACO油田MVR107水平井钻井技术

    Horizontal drilling technique of MVR 107 well in Anaco oilfield , Venezuela

  5. L2-P5三靶点绕障拱型水平井钻井技术

    Horizontal Drilling Techniques in L2-P5 Three-dimensional Arched Well

  6. φ104.8mm小井眼水平井钻井技术在卡塔尔的应用

    Application of φ 104.8 mm Slim-Hole Horizontal Drilling Techniques In Qatar

  7. 河南油田直井钻机钻浅层水平井钻井技术

    Shallow horizontal drilling technology by using vertical-well rig in Henan Oilfield

  8. 煤层气定向羽状水平井钻井技术研究

    Study on pinnate horizontal directional drilling technique of coal-bed gas

  9. 水平井钻井技术在石油勘探开发中的应用与发展

    Application And Development Of Horizontal Drilling Technology In Petroleum Exploration and Production

  10. 国内外水平井钻井技术现状初探

    Brief investigation on present status of horizontal drilling at home and abroad

  11. 牛102井欠平衡泡沫水平井钻井技术

    The application of UBD technique in horizontal section of well Niu 102

  12. 胜利油田薄油层水平井钻井技术综述

    Review of horizontal drilling technology in the thin reservoir of Shengli Oilfield

  13. 深部薄油层双阶梯水平井钻井技术

    Double Staircase Horizontal Drilling Technology in Deep Thin Reservoirs

  14. 国外分枝水平井钻井技术发展现状

    Developing status of foreign lateral horizontal well drilling technique

  15. 女MH-1水平井钻井技术及分析

    The drilling techniques and analysis of nu-mh-1 horizontal well

  16. 国内第一口分支水平井钻井技术

    Drilling Techniques of the First Domestic Lateral Horizontal Well

  17. 辽河油田杜84区块超稠油油藏水平井钻井技术

    Horizontal Drilling Technologies for Exploiting Ultra-Thick Reservoir in Du-84 Block , Liaohe Oilfield

  18. 塔河油田小井眼水平井钻井技术

    Horizontal Drilling Techniques for Slim Holes in Tahe Oilfield

  19. 高压水射流径向水平井钻井技术

    Radial Horizontal Drilling Techniques with High Pressure Water Jet

  20. 胜利油田短半径水平井钻井技术

    Drilling Techniques for Short-radius Horizontal Wells in Shengli Oilfield

  21. 超薄油藏水平井钻井技术

    Horizontal Drilling Techniques in Ultra - thin Reservoirs

  22. 欢2-平1水平井钻井技术

    Drilling Technology of Horizontal Wells Huan 2-Ping 1

  23. TK108H中曲率水平井钻井技术

    Medium radius horizontal drilling technology in well tk-108h

  24. 胜利油田水平井钻井技术现状与发展趋势

    Current Status and Develop Trends of the Horizontal Drilling Techniques in the Shengli Oil field

  25. 现在,中半径水平井钻井技术是最常用的水平井钻井技术。

    Today , the medium radius drilling technique is the most commonly used drilling method .

  26. 长裸眼水平井钻井技术及效果

    Long Open - hole Horizontal Drilling Practices

  27. 惠州油田高难度侧钻水平井钻井技术

    Horizontal sidetracking technology in Huizhou Oilfield

  28. 华北油田第一口砂岩油藏中曲率水平井钻井技术

    Drilling technology of the first medium curvature horizontal well drilled in sandstone reservoir of Huabei Oilfield

  29. 随着水平井钻井技术的日益成熟,目前分枝水平井钻井技术在国外已有了很大发展。

    With horizontal drilling technology becoming mature , foreign lateral horizontal well drilling technique has got great development .

  30. 将欠平衡钻井、水平井钻井技术两种工艺相结合并且成功应用在牛102井。

    This is unprecedented in China that UBD ( underbalanced drilling ) technique with foam was applied in horizontal well .