
yóu céng
  • oil layer;oil reservoir;oil horizon;oil rock
油层 [yóu céng]
  • [oil layer] 产石油的岩层,常为砂岩、石灰岩或页岩

油层[yóu céng]
  1. 应用这一套相似准则,建立了电热油藏采油的低压三维物理模型实验系统,通过物理模拟实验研究了加热电功率和油层电导率对原油采收率的影响。

    The effects of the electric power heating reservoirs and the electric conductivity of oil rock on the oil recovery with ERH technique were studied by using the physical modeling experiments .

  2. 近年来,国内很多油田的开发到了中、后期,油井含水上升,主力油层都进入了高含水后期,开发对象指向了薄油层。

    In recent year , many domestic oilfield development has just come into medium term and later stage , water cut of the wells increases rapidly , main oil rock development move into high water cut period , development objects point to the oil sheet .

  3. 新油田的含油层结构已经探明。

    The oil-bearing structure of the new oil field has been verified .

  4. 注入油层的液态CO2在汽化过程中所要吸收的热量为2914.341kJ/kg。

    The heat of liquid state CO2 injected in oil layer is about 2914.34kJ/kg in the evaporation process .

  5. 3μm2,有效厚度小于1m的油层及表外储层。

    3 μ m2 , the effective thickness is less than 1m .

  6. 与已有的方法相比,此方法考虑了油层的非均质性,同时将油藏中存在隔板的情况考虑其中,得到一个统一的最优化模型,采用VISUALBASIC语言对模型进行编程求解。

    This optimization model takes into account the heterogeneity of oil layer and the influence of partition board in reservoir . The model is come true by Visual Basic language .

  7. 低渗透油层SL活性剂提高采收率实验

    Experiments of SL surfactant flooding for EOR in low permeability reservoirs

  8. 该类型的剩余油主要分布于各小层的河道间相(Q)和远砂坝砂坪相(Y),须进行油层改造后,方可动用。

    This type of residual oil is mainly distributed in interchannel facies ( Q ), distal bar and sand flat facies ( Y ) . The oil layers should be reformed before recovery ;

  9. 为了溶解堵塞油层孔隙的粘土,恢复和提高油井产量,本文提出了油基土酸酸化工艺及酸化后防止Na2SiF6和CaF2沉淀的工艺方案。

    This paper suggests that an oil-based mud acid can be used to dissolve these plugging materials in which additives are added to prevent Na_2SiF_6 and CaF_2 from precipitation .

  10. A-1构造流三段储油层高温高压成因探讨

    Discussion on the genesis of abnormal high temperature and pressure in the l_3 reservoir of A-1 structure

  11. 在分析电测曲线形态的基础上,提出了利用饱满系数(RAD)、椭圆度(RAT)等曲线形态量化参数自动识别低阻油层的方法,取得了令人满意的应用效果。

    Based on analysis on electric logging curve , it is proposed to identify low-resistivity layer with curve-quantified parameters , such as RAD and RAT , and this method has satisfied effect .

  12. Baskin和Huang等[2]的研究结果表明,根据不同的碳数分布范围可以直接划分出油层、气层和水层。

    Researches by Baskin and Huang show oil , gas and water intervals may be directly zoned in accordance with different carbon distributions .

  13. 该方法能为改善注入水舌进和调整开发方案提供重要的油层动态参数,在PC油田多层组油藏的动态监测中.该方法的试用获得到了成功,证明具有良好的应用前景。

    This method can provide the dynamic parameters of reservoir for improving tonguing of injection water and adjusting development project . The method is successfully applied in dynamic monitoring for multilayer reservoir in PC oil field and is proved to be prospective .

  14. 结果表明,随着油层平均渗透率的增大,采用LPS体系调剂时,油层的采出程度逐渐降低,在同一平均渗透率下,不同渗透率变异因数油藏的LPS体系驱替的采收率差别很小;

    The results show that the LPS recovery efficiency decreased with the increase of mean permeability . Under the same permeability , the oil recovery efficiency with LPS is almost the same for different permeability factors .

  15. 通常规定,油层套管射孔后裂孔率不得超过30%,孔裂长度最长不得超过90mm。

    Normally , the maximum crack length after perforation of casing pipe must not exceed 90mm ;

  16. 室内静、动态模拟损害评价试验及现场应用表明,YK型钻开油层完井液可防止地层损害、流动性好、现场配制简单、性能易于维护。

    Static and dynamic simulation tests and field tests indicate that YK drill-in fluid possesses the advantage of low formation damage . good flow behavior , simple formulation and easy maintenance .

  17. 目前侧钻小井眼井油层套管内径小(76mm),相应的修井工艺技术及井下工具极其贫乏。

    At present , the inside diameter of casing for side-tracked slim hole is small (Φ 76mm ), but it lacks the appropriate workover technique and the matched downhole tools .

  18. 1997年,笔者在水力压裂后的砂岩产油井中进行高分辨率VSP工作时,除观测到常规纵波及转换波外,还观测到来自产油层的几种奇异的慢速波至。

    The authors worked in 1997 on the high resolution VSP in the hydraulic fractured sandstone oil well . The authors observed not only the normal compressional waves and converted waves , but also several strange slow speed waves from the oil producing layer .

  19. 详细叙述了CHFR测井在中国部分油田的应用,这些应用包括识别死油气层、定性评价油层水淹情况及定量计算剩余油饱和度等方面。

    Applications in some oilfields in China are described in detail , which include identification of " dead oil zone ", qualitative evaluation of flooded reservoirs and quantitative computation of residual oil saturation .

  20. DGZ油溶性暂堵剂是根据屏蔽暂堵原理开发的一种新型多功能油层保护剂。

    Oil soluble temporary plugging agent DGZ is a novel multiple functions reservoir protecting agent developed based on temporary shielding plugging theory .

  21. 大庆油田主力油层聚合物驱油技术已大规模推广应用13a,在油田后备潜力不足的情况下,开展了大庆油田首个上返二类油层工业化聚合物驱油试验。

    Polymer flooding technology has been widely applied in major reservoirs of Daqing Oilfield for 13 years . In the case of potential insufficiency , the first industrialized upward-return polymer flooding for Class II reservoirs is performed .

  22. 双液法解堵剂HGA-2用于解除高凝高粘低渗油层中有机质、无机盐及粘土等多种沉积物造成的堵塞,具有酸化、溶解和放热放气等多种功能。

    Compounded reservoir blockage removal agent HGA-2 is developed for removing multiple precipitates of organic substances , inorganic salts , clay minerals , and etc in low permeable reservoirs of high pour point and high viscosity oil through acidizing , dissolution , heat and gas generation , and other functions .

  23. 油层保护效果好,其中温5-41C井日产油14.4t,同比温五区块平均产量提高了128.4%,神218C井是神229区块目前唯一的自喷井。

    MEG drilling fluid had better formation damage control . WEN 5-41C had a 14 . 4 t BOPD and this was greater than that of WEN 5 BLOCK by 128 . 4 % . SHEN-128C well is a unique gusher well in the SHEN 229 BLOCK presently .

  24. 低渗透油层超低界面张力化学驱油方式研究

    Study on ultralow interfacial tension chemical flooding in low permeability reservoirs

  25. 稠油层录测井评价及产能预测方法研究

    Well log evaluation and productivity prediction method for heavy oil reservoir

  26. 厚油层深度调剖机理探讨及其实践

    Practice and mechnism discuss of depth profile control in thick layer

  27. 地化录井油层水淹状况评价方法

    A New Method to Evaluate Waterflooded State of Oil Reservoirs-Geochemical Logging

  28. 一种新的油层污染解堵剂&ClO2体系

    A New Plug Removal Agent for Formation Pollution-ClO_2 Plug Removal System

  29. 多油层低渗油藏纵向非均质对油井产能影响研究

    Impact of vertical heterogeneity on well productivity in multilayered low-permeable reservoir

  30. 油层解堵剂的室内试验研究

    The testing study of reservoir plug removal agent in the lab