
  • 网络oil filter
  1. 基于SLS技术的汽车油过滤器接头零件快速原型制造

    Rapid prototyping and manufacturing of automotive oil filter joint part on SLS

  2. PKG系列油过滤器实际上可免除由于循环过程中产生的悬浮固体污物而以往必须进行的换油工作。

    PKG series oil filter actually can release changing oil for compressor that caused by suspend feculence during the working .

  3. 为获得最佳性能,使用AMSOIL全流量油过滤器。

    For best performance , use AMSOIL full-flow oil filters .

  4. AMSOIL鄂全流量油过滤器是专为延长换油周期。

    AMSOIL Ea full-flow oil filters are designed for extended drain intervals .

  5. 注水泵润滑油过滤器的改进

    Improvements of the Lubricating Oil Filter in a Water Injection Pump

  6. 炼油厂原料油过滤器滤芯清洗

    The cleaning of the filter element of the crude oil

  7. 加氢装置原料油过滤器的工业应用

    Commercial application of feedstock filter for hydrotreating units

  8. 新型自封带旁通阀回油过滤器基本模型介绍

    The Introduction of Basic Model of New Type Return Filter with Check Valve and By-pass Valve

  9. 不锈钢板冷轧机轧制油过滤器寿命探讨

    Discussion on the service life of rolling oil filter of cold mill for stainless steel plate

  10. 用过的食用油过滤器收集桶生物柴油处理器容器温度计

    Used cooking oilFilterCollection barrelBiodiesel processorTank thermometer

  11. 马勒的空气和油过滤器范围的元素中列出以下网页中的表。

    The range of Mahle air and oil filter elements are listed in the tables on the following pages .

  12. 油过滤器:滤除润滑油中的杂志,油劣化物,保护运动机件寿命。

    Oil filter : filter and remove impurity and oil inferior substances in lubricant , to protect life of operation components .

  13. 完成了宇都宫厂与尖端仪器所提供的,这就导致在建立液压油过滤器,油冷却器全规模生产体系。

    Completed the Utsunomiya Plant with the cutting-edge machines provided , which resulted in establishing the hydraulic oil filter and oil cooler full-scale production system .

  14. 介绍了锦州石化公司炼油厂40万t/a焦化汽柴油加氢精制装置原料油过滤器存在的问题及改进措施。

    The problem areas and improvement measures of the feedstock filter for 400000 t / a coker gasoline / diesel hydrotreating unit of jinzhou petrochemical co. were recommended .

  15. 对注水泵润滑油过滤器的结构进行分析,找出存在的问题,提出改进方案并应用于实际生产中。

    An analysis was made of the structure of the lubricating oil filter in a water injection pump , existing troubles were found out , and some improvements were proposed and used in production .

  16. 催化裂化油浆过滤器的研制与应用

    Preparation and application of FCC slurry filter

  17. 今天,我在等待我的汽车更换油和过滤器的时候,回答了一些电子邮件。

    I answered emails today while I was waiting for my car oil and filter to be changed .

  18. 此外,如果你自己更换机油,你通常必须小心正确处理老油和过滤器,用手拿进老油回收站。

    Moreover , if you change the oil yourself you usually have to take care of the correct disposal of the old oil and filter yourself , i.e.hand it in at an old oil collection station .

  19. 本实用新型是一种成品油管道的过滤器。

    The utility model relates to a finished oil pipeline filter ;

  20. 本文主要论述利用颗粒度测试仪器对航空液压油、附件、过滤器实施检测与控制的方法。

    The paper discusses test and control of aviation hydraulic oils , accessories and filters by use of particle size test device .

  21. 油液应是浅红色,如呈棕色,应更换油液和过滤器,检查变速箱。

    Fluid should be reddish . If it 's brown have it and filter replaced and transmission checked .