
  • 网络processed with oil
  1. X油制环己酮树脂在涂料生产中的应用

    Application of X oil in paints production

  2. 改性蓖麻油制备UV光固化涂料的研究

    Study on UV Curing Coatings Based on Modified Castor Oil

  3. 由蓖麻油制备的UV光固化涂料

    The Preparation of UV Curable Coatings from Castor Oil

  4. DCS在油制气生产中的应用

    The Application of DCS during Oil Making Gas Process

  5. 煤制气或油制气掺混LPG。

    Use coal gas or oil gas and LPG mixture .

  6. PS脂肪酶催化乌桕梓油制备生物柴油工艺优化

    Optimization of biodiesel production from stillingia oil catalyzed by immobilized lipase of Pseudomonas cepacia

  7. 介绍了用新疆中间基油制备CC和CD级柴油机油的情况。

    The CC and CD grade diesel engine oils obtained from Xinjiang intermediate-base lube oil were described .

  8. 本文针对具有煤制氨系统和油制氨系统两条既相互独立,又相互关联工艺路线的合成氨装置,设计了一种新型H2/N2控制系统。

    A new type of H2 / N2 ratio control system has been designed for a synthetic ammonia plant where there are two different technological processes , using coal and petroleum to synthesize ammonia .

  9. 采用3种驯化分离的菌种S-2、Y-3、XH-3及其混合菌M-3,以葡萄糖作为共代谢基质,研究了葡萄糖对各菌降解油制气废水的影响。

    Glucose is used as co-metabolic substance to improve three kinds of bacteria strains S-2 , Y-3 , XH-3 and their mixture M-3 's ability of biodegrading wastewater produced in manufacturing gas process ( MGP-wastewater ) .

  10. 塔尔油制强化造纸施胶剂的研究

    Study on developing strength sizing agent for papermaking from tall oil

  11. 用棉籽油制备生物柴油

    Using . Mass production of bio-diesel from cottonseed oil via transesterification

  12. 复合脂肪酶催化黄连木油制备生物柴油

    Preparation of Biodiesel with Pistacia chinensis Oil Catalyzed by Compound Lipases

  13. 驯化筛选微生物对油制气废水的降解特性

    Biodegraded Characteristics of MGP - Wastewater by Domestic and Screened Organisms

  14. 混合脂肪酸甲酯制备工艺废品油制脂肪酸甲酯工艺

    The Technology of Manufacture Fatty Acid Methyl Ester by Deteriorated Oil

  15. 乙酰蓖麻酸甲氧基乙酯臭氧氧化蓖麻油制备甘油三酸酯多元酸的研究

    Preparation of triglyceride polybasic carboxylic acid by ozonolysis of castor oil

  16. 用蓖麻油制备高羟值多元醇的研究

    Preparation of Polyol with High Hydroxyl Value from Castor Oil

  17. 蓖麻油制备醇酸预聚型双组分聚氨酯树脂涂料的研究

    Development of Castor Oil Based Alkyd Resin for 2K Polyurethane Prepolymer Coatings

  18. 油制气生产中除灰水系统的腐蚀及整治

    Corrosion and its prevention in ash-separating water system in oil gas manufacture

  19. 加氢裂化尾油制备中高档润滑油、白油

    Lubricating Oil and White Oil Preparation from the Unconverted Oil of Hydrocracking

  20. 肉桂油制苯甲醛的反应过程研究

    Study on reaction mechanism for preparing benzaldehyde from cinnamon oil

  21. 小麦胚芽VE营养油制备方法的比较研究

    Study on the Methods of Extracting Vitamin E from the Wheat Germ

  22. 曼型干式储气罐储存油制气的问题与对策

    Problems and Countermeasure of Oil Gas Storage with M.A.N Gasholder

  23. 改性蓖麻油制备软段离子基聚氨酯水分散液

    Modified Castor Oil-based Polyurethane Dispersions with Ions in Soft Segments

  24. 氯油制备氯仿联产二甲基甲酰胺

    Preparation of Chloroform United Production Dimethyl Formamide with Chlorine Oil

  25. 葡萄糖对油制气废水生物降解影响的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Biodegradation of MGP - wastewater Influenced by Adding Glucose

  26. 大豆油脚浸出油制备生物柴油及性能研究

    Preparation and properties of biodiesel from extracted oil of soybean oil sediment

  27. 复方紫草油制备工艺的选择与质量标准的建立

    Preparation Technology and Quality Standards Establishment of the Compound Radix Arnebiae Oil

  28. 新型碱性离子液体催化蓖麻油制备生物柴油

    Synthesis of biodiesel using new basic ionic liquid as catalyst

  29. 落叶松树皮热解特性及热解油制胶技术研究

    The Characteristic of Larix Gmelini Bark Pyrolysis and the Preparation of Pyrolysate Adhesive

  30. 从香茅油制备羟基香茅醛的研究

    Study on the synthesis of hydroxycitronellal from citronella oil