
ɡāo fēnɡ fù hè
  • peak load
  1. 用GM(1,1)模型预测短期负荷虽具有很好的精确性,但对于波动性较大的高峰负荷,它的预测精度比较低,而马尔可夫模型可以克服负荷波动较大的局限性。

    Using GM ( 1,1 ) model to predict short-period load has good accuracy , but to the high waving peak load , its accuracy is low .

  2. 多措并举,综合治理夏季空调高峰负荷

    Take measures to synthesize harnessing summer air - conditioning peak load

  3. 因为您想让您的DPAR支持高峰负荷,所以您需要了解您的业务周期是多少,以及哪些时间帧最好地表示了这些高峰负荷。

    Because you want your DPARs to support peak loads , you need to understand what your business cycles are and what time frames best represent these peak loads .

  4. 基于主成分分析L-M神经网络高峰负荷预测研究

    Peak load forecasting based on neural network with principal component analysis

  5. 应用电锅炉水储热技术转移高峰负荷

    Using Electric Boiler Water to Reserve Heat for Removing Peak Load

  6. 基于稳健回归的电网高峰负荷预测模型应用

    The Application of Peak Load Forecasting Based on Robust Regression Model

  7. 动态需求下高峰负荷定价模型研究

    Study on Price Model of Peak Load Under Dynamic Demand

  8. 基于高峰负荷定价理论的运行备用获取和定价

    Procurement and pricing of operating reserves based on the peak-load pricing theory

  9. 电网高峰负荷分析决策平台的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of power system peak load analysis and decision-making platform

  10. 基于灰色神经网络法的高峰负荷预测

    Peak load forecasting based on grey neural network method

  11. 基于数据挖掘的电网高峰负荷预测系统

    Peak Load Forecasting System Based on Data Mining

  12. 灰色马尔可夫链在高峰负荷预测中的应用

    Application of Gray Markov Chain in Peak-load Prediction

  13. 介绍了电力系统高峰负荷分析决策平台的设计方案。

    The scheme to design the power system peak load analysis and decision-making platform was discussed .

  14. 二是再建设一批储气库,特别是增加高峰负荷型储气库的筛选建设;

    Also needed is another batch of gas storage tanks , especially of the peak - load-type .

  15. 对铁路客运高峰负荷定价是一个值得关注的问题。

    It is hence a subject worthy of special attention to ascertain peak price for the railway passenger transport .

  16. 叙述了北京地区空调负荷的特点,蓄冷空调用电技术应用情况及存在的主要问题,重点分析了北京地区利用蓄冷空调用电技术转移电网高峰负荷的潜力。

    The characteristic of air-conditioning load , the situation and main problems of this technique applying in Beijing area are described .

  17. 在模型中,高峰负荷被分解为3部分:居民空调负荷、工作区空调负荷以及基本负荷。

    The peak load in the model is decomposed into three parts including residual air-conditioning load , workspace air-conditioning load and basic load .

  18. 在分析高峰负荷特点的基础上,建立了基于稳健回归模型的高峰负荷预测方法。

    In this paper , the peak load forecasting method based on robust regression is proposed by analyzing the peculiarities of the peak load .

  19. 治理夏季空调高峰负荷对缓解电力季节性供需矛盾、确保电网安全经济运行意义重大。

    Harnessing summer air-conditioning peak load has great meanings to relieve seasonal power supply and demand contradiction and assures grid safety and economic operation .

  20. 因此将二者结合起来形成灰色马尔可夫模型,并对山东某地区高峰负荷进行预测。

    Markov model can overcome this defection , so combine CM ( 1,1 ) with Markov model to predict peak-load of an area in Shangdong province .

  21. 在首都北京,2007年夏季用电高峰负荷约为380万千瓦,约占整个北京用电量的40%。

    In Beijing , the summer peak load of approximately 3.8 million kilowatts in 2007 , accounting for the entire electricity consumption in Beijing by 40 % .

  22. 在研究工业发达国家先进经验的基础上,结合国情,提出了当前条件下转移高峰负荷的激励政策及实施机制。

    On the basis of advanced experience in industrial developed countries and combined national situations bring out the incentive mechanism and implement mechanism on shift peak load under the present situations .

  23. 运用简单的高峰负荷定价模型,给出运输企业在需求高峰期和非高峰期的有效定价,并分析如何确定运输企业的最优生产设施能力。

    This paper using a simple peak-load pricing model given the efficient pricing in both peak-load period and off-peak period , and analyzed what is the optimal level of capacity that a transport firm should installed .

  24. 文中对传统的高峰负荷定价理论在电力工业中的应用进行了扩展,提出了一种新的运行备用定价机制。

    A pricing scheme for operating reserves , which is based on the extended traditional peak load pricing theory and is compatible with auction based dispatching in the electricity market environment , is proposed in this paper .

  25. 随着电网规模的不断发展,地区电网用电高峰负荷和峰谷差越来越大,单纯的扩大电厂装机容量和电网传输容量并不是现今电网发展的最优模式。

    With the constant development of grid-scale , regional power grid peak load and peak-trough difference increases , simply expand the installed capacity of power plants and grid transmission capacity is not the best method of the grid development .

  26. 关于前者,最有可能的下一步发展是使能源存储机制融入现有输配网和其他输配系统,以管理高峰负荷,从而有助于减少必要的能源产能。

    On the first , by far the most likely next step is the integration of storage mechanisms into existing grids and other distribution systems in ways that manage peak loads and thus contribute to reducing the necessary generating capacity .

  27. 通过以边际成本定价理论为依据,对铁路客运高峰负荷定价问题进行分析,初步计算了我国铁路客运高峰运价综合水平。

    In this paper , the theme of the peak pricing of the railway passenger transport is analyzed based on marginal cost theory , and the specific price level of the railway passenger transport in peak and off-peak is calculated .

  28. 辅助服务在维持电力系统的安全可靠性、提高系统运行质量、缓解高峰负荷电价等方面具有举足轻重的作用。

    Ancillary services ( AS ), such as automatic generation control ( AGC ) and operation reserves , play an important role in maintaining power system reliability and security while economically efficient transactions are accommodated in an open electricity market .

  29. 发展热电联产、热电冷联产等分布式能源,不仅有利于能源的梯级利用,而且可实现均衡能源消费、有效降低空调高峰负荷对电力的需求。

    The union of thermal and electricity , the union of thermal , electricity and cooling and distributed energy resources are good for energy gradient utility and can realize equilibrium energy consumption , then can reduce the power demand of air-conditioning peak load .

  30. 从1970年Baumol和Bradford发表关于边际成本的最优偏离的论文开始,带动了大批学者对这一领域展开研究。20世纪70年代末,高峰.负荷定价、拉姆齐定价都是经济学家经常讨论的话题。

    A number of scholars have focused on this field after the publication of the paper about the best departure of marginal cost by Baumol and Bradford in 1970 . At the end of the 70s , peak-load pricing and Ramsey pricing are the classical topics of economists .