
  • 网络blast furnace intensity smelting
  1. 济钢160m~3高炉强化冶炼实践

    Strengthening Smelting Practice of 160 m ~ 3 BF at Jigang

  2. 唐山地区450m~3高炉强化冶炼分析

    Strengthening smelting analysis for 450m ~ 3 blast furnace in Tangshan region

  3. 韶钢750m~3高炉强化冶炼实践

    Intensified smelting process with the 750 m ~ 3 BF

  4. 锰铁高炉强化冶炼实践的分析

    Analysis of intensifying practice for ferromanganese blast furnace operation

  5. 3~高炉强化冶炼实践

    Practice of Intensify Smelt on the No.3 Blast Furnace

  6. 邯钢2000m~3高炉强化冶炼技术进步

    Progress of strengthening smelting in 2000 m ~ 3 blast furnace of Han steel

  7. 实践表明,渣铁沟浇注料工艺的实施和不断完善,是高炉强化冶炼、降低生铁成本的重要技术措施。

    Prac - tice indicates that application of and improvement on the casting process is an important technical measure to ensure effi - cient smelting and low cost of pig iron .

  8. 莱钢750m~3高炉强化冶炼的主要措施是精料、采用合理的操作制度和应用新技术。

    The main measures of intensified smelting of 750 m3 BFs at Laiwu Iron and steel Complex is introduced , such as quality material , rational operation regulations and the application of new technices , etc.

  9. 本文分析了新钢三座255m~3锰铁高炉强化冶炼的实践,指出进一步挖掘高炉生产潜力的方向。

    The intensifying practice for 3 sets 255m ~ 3 ferromanganese blast furnace at Xinyu I & S. Co , is analyzed . The way for further tapping potential capacity of the blast furnaces is indicated .

  10. 实践表明:采取大风量、富氧、喷煤、高风温、高顶压、低硅冶炼等是高炉强化冶炼的有效手段;

    Has been found through long time practice based on quality burden . Enough blast volume , blast enriched oxygen , pulverized coal injection , high top pressure , low silicon content are efficient measures to intensify the BF smelting .

  11. 瑞典律勒欧厂2号高炉超强化冶炼的分析

    Analysis of super intensified smelting operation on No2 BF at Lulea , Sweden

  12. 改善炉前工作环境,提高主沟砂口的使用寿命,有利于满足现代大型高炉不断强化冶炼的要求。

    Improvement in the working environment in front of the blast furnace and extension of the campaign life of the sand port of the main runner are prerequisite for ceaselessly strengthening the smelting in the large blast furnaces .

  13. 用冶炼强度指数分析高炉容积对强化冶炼的影响

    By the index of smelting intensity to analysis the effect of volume on operation intensification for blast furnace

  14. 通过喷煤设备技术改造,优化高炉操作,强化冶炼,短时间内实现了高炉利用系数2.8t/m3.d以上和最低入炉焦比315kg/t。

    Through the technological transformations of the coal injection facilities , optimizing the blast furnace operation and strengthening smelting , the productivity reaches 2.8t / m3 . d above and the lowest charge coke ratio is 315kg / t.