
  1. 云南高山花卉种质资源调查

    Investigation of Alpine Wild Ornamental Plants Germplasm Resources in Yunnan Province

  2. 与北温带联系紧密,高山花卉和现代松柏类植物多样化中心;

    It is the center of alpine flowers and current diversified pine and cypress plants .

  3. 阐述了发展温州市高山花卉、绿化苗木的意义,分析了当前温州市高山花卉苗木生产的现状及存在问题,提出加强管理,抓紧制订花卉生产产业政策;合理规划布局,发展特色花卉苗木;

    Based on Analysis on current situation and problems of alpine plants and flowers production in Wenzhou , Zhejiang province , countermeasures were offered such as strengthening management and drawing up industry policy , rational planning to produce characterized plants and flowers , improving seedling quantity and quality , etc.

  4. 由于特殊的自然地理和气候条件,云南西北部的高山区蕴藏着许多极具特色的高山花卉资源,这部分资源是云南野生花卉中最具特色和开发潜力的部分。

    Because the special geological and climatic conditions , there are a great many of beautiful ornamental plants in high mountain regions of northwest of Yunnan province . The alpine wild ornamental plants are the most characteristic and exploitable potential of wild flower resources in Yunnan .