
  • 网络high vanadium high speed steel;high-vanadium high-speed steel
  1. 在ωV/ωC≈3与ωV≈10%的条件下,研究了钒、碳含量对高钒高速钢组织和力学性能的影响。

    The effect of vanadium and carbon content on microstructure and mechanical properties of high vanadium high speed steel with ω _V / ω _C ≈ 3 and ω _V ≈ 10 was studied .

  2. VC较高的形态及较高的硬度是高钒高速钢具有比高铬铸铁较好的耐磨性的主要原因。

    It is the main reason of higher form and hardness of VC for high vanadium high speed steel with better wear resistance than that of high chromium cast iron .

  3. 针对碳化钒的不同形态,设计出定量分析软件,并利用形状因子K,实现了高钒高速钢不同碳化物形态数值化处理,当K介于0.785~1.000之间碳化钒形态为团球状;

    Quantitative analysis software is invented for effective analysis of different vanadium carbide 's morphology , and the form factor K can represent the morphology of different vanadium carbide .

  4. 在V含量约为10%的条件下,研究了碳含量在1.56%~3.15%范围内变化对高钒高速钢碳化物形成的影响。

    The effects of carbon content ( 1.56 ~ 3.15 wt % ) on formation of carbides in high vanadium ( 10wt % ) high speed steel were studied systemically .

  5. 高钒高速钢当碳含量达到4.2%时,K为0.86和当量直径D为0.78μm,碳化物呈团球状均匀分布。

    Besides , when carbon is up to 4.2 % , the morphology of vanadium carbide is nodular and even distributed ( K and D is 0.86, 0.78 μ m differently ) .

  6. 利用MM-200型滑动磨损试验机测试高钒高速钢的干滑动磨损性能,借助于扫描电镜对其磨损形貌和组织进行观察,探讨磨损机理。

    The wear properties of high vanadium high-speed steel were tested under dry sliding condition using MM-200 test machine and the failure behavior and wear mechanisms of the steel were analyzed by SEM .

  7. 研究了含碳量为1.58%~2.92%,含钒为10%左右的高钒高速钢冷轧辊的组织与力学性能,并与高铬铸铁(Cr20)进行了耐磨性对比研究。

    The wear resistance of high vanadium high speed steel samples of various carbon ( 1.58 % ~ 2.92 % ) and high chrome cast iron ( Cr20 ) were examined by applying the apparatus of WM-1 roll frets friction .

  8. 多次回火后,高钒高速钢硬度降低,耐磨粒磨损性能下降。

    The hardness and the wear resistance decrease after multiple tempering .

  9. 残余奥氏体量对高钒高速钢性能的影响

    Effect of Retained Austenite on Performance of High-Vanadium High - Speed Steel

  10. 基于多次回归分析的高钒高速钢滚动磨损模型

    Rolling wear model of high-vanadium high-speed steel based on multiple regression analysis

  11. 高钒高速钢的研究及应用现状

    The Present Research on and Application of High Vanadium High Speed Steel

  12. 碳对高钒高速钢碳化物形成的影响

    Effects of Carbon on Formation of Carbides in High Vanadium High-speed Steel

  13. 高钒高速钢冲击磨损性能与机理的研究

    Impact Wear and Wear Mechanism Study of High Vanadium High Speed Steel

  14. 克鲁普铬钼钒高速钢回火温度对高钒高速钢耐磨性的影响

    Effect of Tempering Temperature on Wearing Resistance of High Vanadium High Speed Steel

  15. 硬度及冲击韧性对高钒高速钢磨损稳定性的影响

    Effect of Hardness and Impact Toughness on Wear Stability of High-vanadium High-speed Steel

  16. 高钒高速钢复合锤头铸造工艺及其性能

    High Speed Steel Compound Hammerhead and Its Performance

  17. 碳对高钒高速钢冷轧辊耐磨性的影响

    Effect of Carbon on Wear Resistance of Cold Roll of High Vanadium High Speed Steel

  18. 热处理温度对高钒高速钢显微组织和硬度的影响

    Effect of Heat Treatment Temperature on Microstructure and Hardness of High Vanadium High Speed Steel

  19. 高钒高速钢冷轧辊试样磨损机制均表现为高接触应力下的疲劳剥落。

    The wear mechanisms of them are shelling and spelling on the condition of high contacting stress .

  20. 钾盐复合变质剂对高钒高速钢中碳化钒形态与分布的影响

    The Effects of Potassium Salt Multi-Modification on Carbide Morphologies and Distribution of High Vanadium High Speed Steel

  21. 高钒高速钢、高铬铸铁冷轧辊材质的耐磨性研究

    Study on Abrasion Resistance of Cold Rolling Material of High Vanadium High Speed Steel and High Chromium Cast Iron

  22. 高钒高速钢干滑动磨损机理为显微切削和疲劳磨损的复合,并且有应力作用下碳化物的碎裂及脱落。

    The wear mechanism of high vanadium high-speed steel is combined micro-cutting and fatigue wear with carbide particle breaking and peeling off under stress .

  23. 含碳量达到2.3%后,基体以马氏体为主,耐磨性比低碳的高钒高速钢大幅提高。

    After the carbon content reached 2.3 % , the matrix is martensite primarily and the impact wear resistance performance enhanced largely compared with the low-carbon high vanadium high-speed steel .

  24. 利用自制模拟冷轧工况的试验装置,对比研究了高钒高速钢、高铬铸铁两种轧辊材料冷轧状态下的耐磨性。

    The wear of the high vanadium high speed steel and high chromium white cast iron was studied and compared each other using a self-made test device simulating cold rolling condition .

  25. 结果表明:在试验条件下,含碳量为2.58%的高钒高速钢耐磨性最佳,其耐磨性为高铬铸铁的5倍。

    The results show that the wear resistance of high vanadium high speed steel with ( 2.58 % ) carbon is five times bigger than that of high chrome cast iron .

  26. 结果表明:高钒高速钢(10%V)凝固时,初生相的析出顺序与碳含量有关。

    The results show that , When the high vanadium high-speed steel ( 10 % V ) solidified , the order of appearing of the first phase relates to the content of carbon .

  27. 结果表明,热处理工艺对碳化钒形态分布无明显影响,但对高钒高速钢基体中奥氏体含量和耐磨性有重要影响。

    The results show that the heat treatment process has remarkable effect on retained austenite content in matrix and wear resistance of the steel , but has little effect on the morphology and distribution of carbide vanadium .

  28. 通过定向凝固-液淬试验,金相分析,扫描电镜等手段,研究了碳量变化对含钒10%的高钒高速钢初生相析出顺序的影响。

    By means of unidirectional solidification and quenching test , metallographic analysis and SEM , the effect of carbon change on the appearing order of the first phase of high vanadium high-speed steel containing vanadium 10 % was studied .

  29. 轧辊用高碳、钒高速钢系合金的热处理

    Heat treatment of high carbon vanadium high speed steel for roller

  30. 高碳高钒高速钢的高温硬度及热处理的研究

    Research on Heat Treatment and Hot Hardness of High Speed Steel Containing High Carbon and High Vanadium