
  • 网络high anal fistula
  1. 目的探讨治疗高位肛瘘较为可靠有效的手术方式。

    Objective To investigate the more reliable and effective operations for high anal fistula .

  2. 两种手术方式治疗高位肛瘘疗效的比较

    Comparison of two kinds of operations for high anal fistula

  3. 100例高位肛瘘临床治疗体会

    Experience in Clinical Therapy of 100 Cases of High Anal Fistula

  4. 高位肛瘘不同挂线方法对创面羟脯氨酸影响研究

    A Study on Different Methods of High Anal Fistula Seton Towards Wound Hydroxyproline

  5. 高位肛瘘保留直肠环术式的临床研究

    Clinical Study of the Surgical Procedures to Reserving Rectal Ring in High Anal Fistula

  6. 切除挂线旷置术治疗高位肛瘘53例

    Clinical observation on 53 cases of high anal fistula treated by resectional threaddrawing exclusion therapy

  7. 中医切开挂线疗法治疗高位肛瘘的影像学分析

    Radiological Analysis of the TCM Therapy & Incision and Thread-drawing Therapy of High Anal Fistula

  8. 根据瘘管与肛门外括约肌深部的位置关系,分为低位肛瘘和高位肛瘘。

    Therapeutic of tunnel fistulectomy and primary suture in the treatment of high anal fistula ;

  9. 中药熏洗加挂线疗法治疗高位肛瘘16例

    16 Cases of Treating High Anal Fistula With Fumigation and Wash Method and Thread-drawing Method

  10. 磁共振在高位肛瘘术后肛门功能与疗效评价中的应用

    The Application of MRI in Anal Function and Therapeutic Evaluation at High Anal Fistula after Operation

  11. 高位肛瘘的治疗方法很多,但是每一种治疗方法都有各自不同的适应症。

    High anal fistula many ways , but each of these treatments has its own different indications .

  12. 旷置挂线术与传统挂线术治疗高位肛瘘的对比分析

    A comparative Study of Thread-drawing and Lay-open Therapy and Traditional Thread-drawing Therapy in Treating High Anal Fistula

  13. 保留括约肌术治疗高位肛瘘121例临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Treatment of 121 Cases of High Anal Fistula With the Operation of Remaining Musculus Sphincter

  14. 中西医结合切开挂线法治疗高位肛瘘43例

    Treating 43 Case patients with High Anal Fistula by Incision Seton Therapeutics Combining Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine

  15. 目的探讨旷置挂线术治疗高位肛瘘的临床应用价值。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical value of thread-drawing and lay-open therapy in the treatment of high complex anal fistula .

  16. 低切高挂半缝合半开放引流术治疗高位肛瘘

    Fistulectomy , partial suturing and semi-open drainage in low fistula and thread-drawing in high fistula for the treatment of high anal fistula

  17. 如何有效降低复发率,保护肛门功能,一直是高位肛瘘治疗上存在的两个突出问题。

    How to decline the rate of recurrence and restore the anal function are always two prominent problems of therapy for high fistula .

  18. 高位肛瘘是肛肠科疑难病之一,其管道穿越肛门外括约肌深部以上,给治疗带来很大困难。

    The canal of high anal fistula lies through or above the deep headquarter of external sphincter , which brings much difficulties for the therapy .

  19. 内镜观察肠内营养缺失对儿童旷置结肠炎的影响旷置挂线术与传统挂线术治疗高位肛瘘的对比分析

    The impacts of enteral nutrition deficiency in patients with diversion colitis A comparative Study of Thread-drawing and Lay-open Therapy and Traditional Thread-drawing Therapy in Treating High Anal Fistula

  20. 结论瘘管隧道式切除缝合术后能有效保持肛门括约肌功能,具有疼痛轻、愈合快等优点,为治疗高位肛瘘的理想术式。

    Conclusion Tunnel fistulectomy and primary suture can keep effectively on the function of anal sphincter after operation . And it has less pain and fast wound healing etc for the treatment of high anal fistula .

  21. 本课题采用医用铣刀铣瘘术与传统低切高技术在高位肛瘘的治疗上进行比较研究,旨在评估铣瘘术治疗高位肛瘘的有效性、可靠性,同时探讨其作用机制。

    The experiment was designed to compare the fistula-milling operation with the routine surgical therapy . The objective was to estimate the feasibility , reliability of fistula-milling operation using in high-site anal fistula and probe into the mechanism .

  22. 高位肛瘘为肛肠科疑难病之一,由于病变位置高,管道多弯曲复杂,常有支管、深部死腔,在治疗上难度较大。

    High position anal fistula being one of difficult anus intestines section diseases , due to lesion location height , much bending of pipeline complicated 、 branches 、 and deep cavities , has great difficulty in treating it .

  23. 中医挂线配合对口引流疗法治疗高位肛瘘较传统中医低位切开高位挂线疗法缩短伤口愈合时间、减小术后创面面积、减少患者术后2周内疼痛,值得临床推广。

    Compared to the traditional low-position incision and high-position seton therapy , the traditional seton therapy coordinated the contra-aperture drainage therapy which can shorten cicatrization time 、 reducing wound areas and postoperative pain , is worth promoting in the clinical application .

  24. 结论切除挂线旷置术治疗高位肛瘘可彻底清除病变可疑组织,明显提高肛门节制功能,术后配合中药换药,可防止感染,促进创面愈合。

    Conclusion Resectional threaddrawing exclusion therapy can clean suspected pathological tissue completely and improve the regulative function of anal , if associated with TCM changing the dressings after operation , which can prevent from postoperative infection and promote the healing of surface of wound .

  25. 安教授认为,高位肛瘘只是瘘管高,而内口并不高,极个别病例在直肠壁有口也不是内口,而是破溃口,内口只能在齿线。

    Professor An says high anal fistula is high fistula , but the inside mouth is not high , very few cases in intestinal wall straight mouth is not the inside mouth , but burst mouth , mouth can only in the dentate line .

  26. 高位肛瘘由于病变位置高、管道多弯曲复杂,常有深部死腔,治疗上存在难度大、复发率高并发症后遗症多等问题,因而被国内外专家称为难治性肛瘘。

    High anal fistula complex since high lesion location , pipe bend , dead space , often have deep treatment difficulty complications , recurrence rate is high , such as after-effects more problems , so called intractable anal fistula by experts at home and abroad .

  27. 医用生物蛋白胶治疗高位复杂性肛瘘的临床研究

    A study of fibrin glue in the treatment of complex fistula-in-ano

  28. 高位复杂性肛瘘的诊治是一种世界医学上的难题。

    The diagnosis and treatment of high complex fistula-in-ano is world problem .

  29. 中医外科双线切挂法治疗高位复杂性肛瘘

    Double-Thread Incision and Hanging Method for High Complicated Anal Fistula

  30. 一期切除保留括约肌直肠减压治疗高位复杂性肛瘘应用研究

    Applied Study for Primary Fistulectomy and Rectal Decompression in High Complicated Anal Fistula