
  • 网络dehydration therapy
  1. 脱水疗法配合推拿穴位注射治疗腰椎间盘突出症的临床研究

    Clinical Study of Therapy of Dehydration Combined with Massage and Acupoint-injection for Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Herniation

  2. 针刺加激素冲击、脱水疗法治疗面神经炎32例疗效观察

    Clinical Observation of Therapy of Pinprick , Dehydration , and Glucocorticoid Impact for 32 Patients with Facial Neuritis

  3. 方法:常规甘露醇加地塞米松脱水疗法的基础上,使用脑活素、刺五加、丹参等药物静脉输液治疗40例急性颅脑损伤。

    Methods : 40 cases of acute craniocerebral injury were treated with routine mannitol , dexamethasone , and cerebrolysin , acanthopanax senticosus , salvia miltorrhrza injection intravenous in drop .

  4. 头部重点低温脱水综合疗法脑复苏机制的研究(对激动性氨基酸变化的影响)

    Experimental study of mechanism of selective head cooling-dehydration combined therapy for brain resuscitation : effects on levels of excitatory amino acids .