
tuō liú zuò yònɡ
  • desulfurization;desulfuration
  1. 探讨了煤中自身CaO的脱硫作用。

    Abstract Self desulfurization property of Cao rich coals is being discussed .

  2. 着色细菌在CSTR反应器中的培养及对煤脱硫作用研究

    Study on Culturing and Training Chromatium in CSTR by Coke Oven Gas and Desulfurization in coal

  3. 虽然CaO脱硫作用较强,但CaCO3只有部分分解。

    CaO is a powerful desulphurizing reagent , but CaCO 3 is decomposed only a little .

  4. 磷钨酸/双氧水对富芳烃轻油的氧化脱硫作用FCC汽油轻芳烃组分氧化萃取脱硫工艺研究

    Oxidative desulphurization of light gas oil containing considerable aromatic compounds using 12-tungstophosphoric acid / H_2O_2 STUDY ON THE DESULFURIZATION OF LIGHT AROMATICS IN FCC NAPHTHA BY OXIDATION AND SOLVENT EXTRACTION

  5. 通过试验,考察了CaO-Al2O3-CaCl2渣在1550℃下的脱磷、脱硫作用,并与CaO-Al2O3CaF2渣的脱磷、脱硫效果进行了比较。

    Dephosphorization and desulfurization of iron melts with CaO-Al_2O_3-CaCl_2 type slag at 1550 ℃ were examined in the laboratory .

  6. 水气转换反应(WGSR)是一个重要基元反应,产生的氢可参与加氢脱硫作用;

    The water gas shift reaction ( WGSR ) is an important and elementary reaction in which hydrogen could be generated , and the hydrogen is necessary for hydrogenating desulfurization .

  7. 实验结果表明,飞灰本身就有脱硫作用,但没有脱氮作用;

    Ash can remove sulfur oxides but cannot remove nitrogen oxides .

  8. 氨水活化的活性炭纤维的脱硫作用

    Desulfurization of active carbon fibers activated with ammonia water

  9. 外加磁场对催化裂化柴油氧化脱硫作用的研究

    The effect of magnetic field on the oxidative desulphurization of FCC diesel fuel

  10. 稀土合金在铸钢中的脱硫作用

    Desulphurization Effect of Rare Earth Alloy in Cast Steel

  11. 兼有脱硫作用的陶瓷过滤元件的制备工艺对其气孔参数的影响

    Influence of the preparation on pore parameters of ceramic filter for filtrating hot gas

  12. 碱性耐火材料的脱硫作用

    Desulfurization of basic refractories

  13. 两种涂料对铝镇静钢和硅镇静钢均没有明显的脱硫作用。

    Both of the coatings have not apparent desulphurization effect either for Al-killed steel or for Si-killed steel .

  14. 以稀碱和稀盐酸两步处理脱除煤中矿物质和硫&Ⅱ.脱硫作用及机理

    Study on the coal demineralization and desulfurization by dilute alkali / acid treatment ⅱ . desulfurization effect and mechanism

  15. 选用兖州、东林和南桐高硫煤以稀碱和稀盐酸两步处理,在考察脱矿物质效果的同时研究了脱硫作用及机理。

    Three high sulfur coals , Yanzhou , Donglin and Nantong coals , were treated by dilute alkali and acid in succession .

  16. 双氧水/乙酸酐对焦化蜡油的氧化脱硫作用聚丙烯酸酯降凝剂对含蜡原油降凝规律的研究

    Oxidation desulphurization of coker gas oil by H_2O_2 / acetic anhydride Depressive Effect of Polyacrylate ( PA ) Pour Point Depressant on Waxy Crude Oils

  17. 气相二氧化硅对环氧富锌涂料性能的改性研究磷钨酸/双氧水对富芳烃轻油的氧化脱硫作用

    Study on the Property of Aerosil in Epoxy Oxygen and Rich Zinc Coating Oxidative desulphurization of light gas oil containing considerable aromatic compounds using 12-tungstophosphoric acid / H_2O_2

  18. 以锆交联蒙脱土作为载体材料,负载活性金属得到改性蒙脱土,考察了其对FCC汽油脱硫的作用。

    Modified Montmorillonite ( MMT ) was prepared by impregnating active metal oxide into carrier material which was MMT pillared with zirconium .

  19. 水合反应和氧化铁对CaO颗粒脱硫反应作用的Arrhenius表达

    Arrhenius Expression of the Effect of Hydration Reaction and Fe_2O_3 Particles on the Desulfurization Reaction with CaO Particles

  20. 镁合金对钢液脱氧脱硫的作用

    Effect of Magnesium Alloy on Deoxidation and Desulphurization of Molten Steel

  21. 炉渣氧化铁含量对脱硫的作用

    The effect of the iron oxide content in molten slags upon desulphurization

  22. 本文对干法、半干法和湿法烟气脱硫添加剂作用的理论基础及其研究与应用情况进行了简要概括。

    The basic theory and application of additives on dry , semi-dry and wet scrubbing method are briefly introduced in this paper .

  23. 在实验室内进行热模拟实验,系统分析了影响精炼渣脱硫脱磷作用的关键因素。

    The project carried out thermal simulation experiment according to some performance properties of refining in laboratory and analysed the crucial factors that affects dephosphorization and desulphurization .

  24. 就国家经济政策对火电厂烟气脱硫的作用、烟气脱硫产业发展和存在的问题及如何推行烟气脱硫设施运营市场化进行了探讨。

    The problems related to the effect of national economic strategy on the FGD of coal-fired power plant , the industrialization development of FGD and how to promote FGD operation marketing were discussed .

  25. 分别研究了电晕放电水、氨分别活化,和同时活化对提高脉冲放电脱硫的作用,提出水蒸气和氨气同时活化提高脱硫效果的设计方案;

    The effect of the activation on the removal rate of SO2 was studied , when water and ammonia was employed separately , then simultaneously and the simultaneous activation of water & NH3 determined .

  26. 钙钛矿结构在CO还原SO2催化脱硫中的作用

    Roles of perovskite precursor in catalytic desulfurization by reduction of so_2 with CO

  27. NiW/Al2O3上喹啉对二苯并噻吩加氢脱硫的抑制作用及反应动力学

    Inhibition effects of quinoline on the hydrodesulfurization of Dibenzothiophene and its reaction kinetics over niw / al_2o_3 catalyst

  28. 水蒸汽对CaO颗粒脱硫反应催化作用的实验研究

    Experimental study on the catalysis effect of steam in the dry flue gas desulfurization reaction by CaO particles

  29. 证明了超声波强化煤炭脱硫降灰作用,是促进Ca(OH)2在黄铁矿表面的吸附,达到进一步抑制黄铁矿的目的。

    This proves that the desulfuration and deashing of coal through ultrasonic treatment is to enhance the absorption of Ca ( OH ) 2on the surface of pyrite , and eventually to further depress pyrite .

  30. 石灰氮在灰铸铁中的脱硫和强化作用

    Desulphurizing and Strengthening Effect of Calcium Cyanamide in Grey Cast Iron