
  • 网络Girl with a Pearl Earring;The Girl With The Pearl Earring
  1. 《戴珍珠耳环的少女》美如画境

    Girl With A Pearl Earring

  2. 因为出演《迷失东京》和《戴珍珠耳环的少女》而成名的斯嘉丽去年秋天在巴黎开了一家爆米花店。

    The actor , who rose to fame for her roles in Lost In Translation and Girl With A Pearl Earring , opened a popcorn shop in Paris last Autumn .

  3. 他已经用自己的独特方式再创作了达芬奇的蒙娜丽莎,梵高的自画像以及维米尔的戴珍珠耳环的少女。

    He has recreated Leonardo da Vinci 's Mona Lisa , Van Gogh 's self-portrait and Johannes Vermeer 's the Girl with the Pearl Earring in his own unique style .

  4. 他说,研究判定,出演《迷失东京》和《戴珍珠耳环的少女》的美国女演员斯嘉丽·约翰逊那微翘的鼻子,就是最理想的鼻型。

    He said the study 's verdict meant the slightly upturned nose of American actress Scarlet Johansson - hailed for performances in Lost In Translation and Girl with a Pearl Earring - had the ideal shape .