
  • 网络dicey;Albert Venn Dicey;CEY
  1. 法治的理念来自于古希腊时代,但是此后历经各思想家的讨论而有多种解读,其中包括亚里士多德、戴雪、富勒及拉兹等。

    The idea of rule of law is original from ancient Greek , but many theorists including Aristotle and others continued to discuss it .

  2. 加拿大司法审查制度源于殖民地时代,英国宪法学者戴雪的邦联主义理论和1982年加拿大《宪法法案》构成了加拿大司法审查制度的理论基础和宪法依据。

    Canadian judicial review was established in its colonial era . Its academic fundament is Dicey 's theory of confederation , while its constitutional basis is Canadian constitution Act , 1982 . The main methods of judicial review are hearing appeal cases and offering advisory opinions .