
  • 网络Gladys Yang
  1. 戴乃迭《边城》英译本的翻译策略研究

    On Translation Strategies of Gladys Yang 's the Border Town

  2. 戴乃迭英译《边城》中原作风格的再现戴乃迭《边城》英译本的翻译策略研究

    Reproduction of the Original Style in Gladys Yang s English Version of Biancheng ; On Translation Strategies of Gladys Yang 's the Border Town

  3. 戴乃迭的TheBorderTown广受英美读者好评,成功地传播了中国近代文学及文化。

    Gladys ' The Border Town is widely accepted by English readers , spreading Chinese contemporary literature and culture successfully .

  4. 翻译家杨宪益、戴乃迭研究戴乃迭译作中文化词的翻译

    A Study of the English Translation of Culturally-loaded Words and Expressions in Gladys Yang 's Translated Works

  5. 自我国著名翻译家杨宪益、戴乃迭于1980年翻译出版了三卷全译本《红楼梦》后,众多学者从不同的角度对其进行了研究。

    After the publication of the complete English versions of HLM , a large number of scholars make research of its translations from different perspectives .

  6. 随后,作者对从杨宪益、戴乃迭译本和蓝诗玲译本中选出的文化词的翻译做了对比研究。

    Next , the author makes a comparative study of the translations of the culture-load words in the two versions by Yang and Lovell respectively .

  7. 通过对杨宪益、戴乃迭译《红楼梦》中的委婉语的研究来探讨汉语委婉语的可译性及翻译技巧。

    This paper tries to search on the translatability and translation methods of euphemisms according to the discussion on the translation of Dream of Red Mansion .

  8. 从异化策略的角度,本文作者尝试对《阿Q正传》的两个英文译本进行比较研究,这两个译本分别由杨宪益戴乃迭夫妇以及威廉·莱尔翻译。

    From the perspective of foreignization strategy , the author intends to conduct a comparative study of the two English versions of AH Q Zheng Zhuan given by Yan Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang and William A.

  9. 该文主要节选了杨宪益、戴乃迭夫妇《红楼梦》英译本中一些精彩的明喻和暗喻句的翻译,并分析了其翻译的技巧和特色。

    This text mainly selects some excellent simile and metaphor sentences in the couple Yang Xian-yi and Dai Nai-die 's version of " Dream of the Red Chamber ", and analyses the translating skills and characteristics .

  10. 论《红楼梦》英译本中比喻句的翻译&杨宪益、戴乃迭夫妇英译《红楼梦》译例分析

    On the Translation of Simile and Metaphor Sentences in the Version of " Dream of the Red Chamber " & Examples in Yang Xian-yi and Dai Nai-die 's Version of " Dream of the Red Chamber "

  11. 试评杨宪益、戴乃迭夫妇《阿Q正传》英译本的语言风格从翻译美学观看戴乃迭对《边城》中美学意蕴的艺术再现

    On the Linguistic Style of " The True Story of Ah Q " Tranlated by Yang Hsien-Yi and Gladys Yang On the Artistic Reproduction of the Aesthetic Connotations in Gladys Yang 's The Border Town from the Angle of Translation Aesthetics

  12. 本文以杨宪益和戴乃迭对这些承载着深厚文化意蕴的家具摆设独具匠心的翻译为例,旨在分析文化的可译性和不可译性以及译者采取的翻译策略。

    This paper , with the Yang 's peculiar and faithful translation of the culture-bounded furniture and decorations as example , aims at an elementary analysis of the translatability and untranslatability of culture and the translators ' translation strategies as well .

  13. 戴乃迭译文的成功表明在文学翻译中,求大同,存小异或求功能对等不失为传达原作美学意蕴的可行原则。

    Gladys Yang 's successful work shows that in literature translation it is advisable to follow the principle of " seeking common ground while reserving small differences " or " seeking functional equivalence " in conveying the aesthetic connotations in the SL text .

  14. 在所有的《红楼梦》英译版本中,只有两个全译本(即杨宪益、戴乃迭译本和大卫·霍克思、闵福德《石头记》译本),两种译本都取得了巨大的成功。

    Among all the English versions of Hong Lou Meng , there are only two complete versions ( A Dream of Red Mansions by Yang Xian-yi Gladys Yang , and The Story of the Stone by David Hawkes John Minford ), which both have achieved great success .

  15. 笔者在所收集的资料的基础上,对杨宪益和戴乃迭的翻译活动的背景、翻译事件和翻译特点进行描述性研究,以期弥补我国译界对两位翻译家此方面系统研究的不足。

    The author of the present thesis tries to conduct a descriptive study on the Yangs ' translation activities , the social context they were in and their translation characteristics so as to make up for the insufficiency of systematic study in China on them in these areas .