
huàn tú
  • official career
宦途 [huàn tú]
  • [official career] 仕途;做官的经历、路径

  • 晏闾阎凡伍,少无特操,阶缘人乏,班齿宦途。--《南齐书.王晏传》

宦途[huàn tú]
  1. 宦途淹蹇。

    An official career is full of frustrations .

  2. 康熙二年(1663),受召出仕,宦途平顺之际命运重蹈覆辙,再次遭劾,被革职逮问。

    The Kangxi two years ( 1663 ), is summoned to become an official , the official career is smooth when the destiny makes same mistakes over again , suffers once more he , is removed from office catches asked .