
shǎng jiàn
  • appreciate;honour one by reading or critical approval
赏鉴 [shǎng jiàn]
  • [appriciate;honour one by reading or critical approval] 欣赏;欣赏鉴别(多指艺术品)

  • 赏鉴名家书画

赏鉴[shǎng jiàn]
  1. 轿夫们把花炮全搬出来,放在门房里供人们赏鉴

    Proudly lined up on a long bench , they stonily awaited their victims .

  2. 但你还得选你赏鉴的时辰。

    Still you have to choose a moment opportune for such enjoyment .

  3. 如今,为期六天的巴塞尔艺术展上充满了赏鉴、交易与闲谈,能吸引到9.2万名参观者。

    These days Basel draws about 92000 visitors to its six days of connoisseurship , selling and schmoozing .

  4. 近代中国特殊的时代环境,使旅行呈现出与中国固有的旅游传统截然不同的风貌,不再是以自然景物的美学赏鉴为依归,而是以认识国族疆土、强化民族认同为目的。

    Modern Chinese special environment made travel show distinct from Chinese traditional tourism style . It was no longer put the natural scenery as the subject , but to recognize national borders , strengthen the national identity for the purpose .

  5. 这种小说评点的心灵化特色主要表现在:带有个人话语色彩的评点立足于文本,以文本赏鉴、阐释和评点者主观体悟为主,兼顾读者感受,重视与读者的心灵交流。

    The spiritual characters of novels ' comment are as follows : the comment with the subjective experience and the individual language color is established in texts , and it takes explanations and comprehensions as emphases with reference to the feeling of readers .