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shǎng fá
  • rewards and punishments;deserving award and punishment
赏罚 [shǎng fá]
  • [rewards and punishments] 奖赏与处罚

  • 赏罚分明

赏罚[shǎng fá]
  1. 论社会赏罚对道德选择的导向作用

    On Guidance Function of Social Rewards and Punishments towards Moral Choices

  2. 赏罚在根本上是为了维护和实现一定的利益。

    Rewards and punishments are fundamentally to maintain and realize certain interests .

  3. 课堂赏罚施动者是教师,而受动者是学生。

    In classroom , students are reward or punish by teachers .

  4. 我想到你要的诗样的赏罚了。

    I think I 've got your poetic justice .

  5. 而且,这种赏罚、升降必须同物质利益联系起来。

    And they should be linked to increases or reductions in material benefits .

  6. 比如说,赏罚标准要有可行性。

    For example , the standards should be practical .

  7. 有时它得到款待和赏罚-其一生,永远地!

    Sometimes he gets treats and deserts – all his life , forever !

  8. 有的人没有得到应得的赏罚。

    Some people failed to get their deserts .

  9. 哪一方的士兵训练更有素,更有战斗力?哪一方的赏罚更公正严明?

    In which army is there the greater constancy both in reward and punishment ?

  10. 而军事赏罚的实行也为提高军队战斗力提供了保障。

    The establishment of military rewards and punishments regulation provided guarantee to improve battle effectiveness .

  11. 道德赏罚的功能

    The Functions of Moral Reward & punishment

  12. 他们受到公平的赏罚。

    Justice is meted out to them .

  13. 给他们的赏罚将视乎他们工作的好坏来决定。

    They will be praised or blamed according as their work is good or bad .

  14. 第三是,赏罚分明,执行赏罚适得其时。

    Rewards and punishment system is fair and transparent and is implemented in a timely fashion .

  15. 再次要健全的道德赏罚机制,为见义勇为立法保障,同时立法惩处见义不为者。

    Thirdly , samaritan acts will be encouraged by the healthy moral reward and punishment mechanism .

  16. 诚信道德建设不仅要靠教育宣传,更要重视赏罚。

    The construction of honesty ethics counts more on attention to award and punishment than educational publicity .

  17. 但是他们所有的布道就是让一切回到原来赏罚的教旨之中。

    But one and all they preached a return to the stem tenets of the original desert creed .

  18. 在作出赏罚时,神会在一定程度上对它自已作出评判。

    In giving out punishment and rewards He would to a certain extent be passing judgment on Himself .

  19. 善恶与赏罚&社会学和心理学的阐释要想当一个好法官,你必须明确区分善与恶。

    To be a good judge , one has to draw a clear dividing line between good and evil .

  20. 如果还要再进行战斗,就要着重赏罚。

    If you are about to reengage in battle , make your rewards exceptionally generous and the punishment heavier .

  21. 世俗的赏罚,仁义等都是极其肤浅,而又不符自然深义的标准。

    Worldly punishment , award , righteousness and benevolence are very shallow and out of the standard of Nature .

  22. 如果对部队的赏罚不公平,部队就不能做到令行禁止。

    If the rewards and punishment are not meted out fairly , the troops will not listen to orders .

  23. 同时增强道德赏罚、建立道德保障机制,也应该引起社会更加广泛的关注。

    Synchronously , to build up the morals guarantee mechanism , also should cause the more extensive concern of society .

  24. 现阶段,措置赏罚赏罚烦闷的方法都范围关注于个其它症状和诊断,然而却忽视了对家庭更广的影响。

    Current approaches to depression focus too narrowly on symptoms and diagnoses in individuals while ignoring broader effects on families .

  25. 他把另外几名跑垒者推上场而自己却绊倒了,因此这对他来说是一种理想的赏罚。

    He pushed several other runners to get to the front so it was poetic justice when he tripped and fell .

  26. 外部赏罚未来的发展必须以建立有效机制、完善体制、强化观念为根本任务。

    Its future development must be based on the fundamental task to establish effective mechanism , perfect system and strengthen concept .

  27. 社会赏罚通过一定的社会心理机制和利益杠杆实现对人们道德选择的引导。

    Social rewards and punishments take effect on people 's moral choices by some social mental systems and the lever of profits .

  28. 女性个体要获得社会的认同,就需要展示社会文化对女性的性别的期待,社会则根据女性个体坚持这一标准或背离这一标准的程度进行赏罚。

    If the Individual woman wants to obtain the recognition , we need to demonstrate the social and cultural expectations for female gender .

  29. 在现代社会转型时期,社会赏罚对人们的道德选择发挥着导向作用。

    In the process of modern social changes , social rewards and punishments make make functions as the guidance for people 's moral choices .

  30. 德育心理思想,论述德育的意义、品德的结构、德育与赏罚、德育的方法;

    The thought of moral educational psychology , including the sense , the constructure of moral character , rewards and punishments and the method ;