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xiàn mèi
  • try to ingratiate oneself with;curry favour with;flatter;make up to;doll up;ingratiate oneself with sb.
献媚 [xiàn mèi]
  • [doll up;ingratiate oneself with sb.] 做出使人心悦的举动或姿态来讨好、巴结别人

  • 献媚取宠

献媚[xiàn mèi]
  1. 他竭力向王室献媚。

    He did his best to ingratiate himself with the royal family .

  2. 在这些献媚取宠的特写当中,很多材料来源不清。

    Many of these adulatory characterizations were attributed to unnamed sources .

  3. 伟大的人物应鄙视献媚者。

    A great man should disdain flatterers .

  4. 这位绅士不是个讨好献媚之辈,甚至也算不上是朋友。

    This gentleman was no flatterer , scarcely a friend .

  5. 任何一个男人瞅她一眼,她都会向他献媚。

    She throw herself at any man who will look at her .

  6. 同一个人不能既朋友和献媚。

    The same man cannot be both friend and flatterer .

  7. 他们只是在向他献媚,可是他一点也不知道。

    They were just giving him taffy but he did not know .

  8. 那些曾一度向他百般献媚奉承的朝臣们。

    Courtiers who had once flattered and fawned on him .

  9. 但是进入新世纪后,他开始迎合献媚。

    But by the new century he was ingratiating himself .

  10. 抽象的、笼统的行善是恶棍、伪君子和献媚者的托辞。

    General good is the plea of the scoundrel , hypocrite and flatterer .

  11. 他总是向有势力的人献媚邀宠。

    He 's always making up to influential people .

  12. 伟大的人物应鄙视献媚者。一群谄媚奉承的支持者。

    A great man should disdain flatterers . a group of fawning admirers .

  13. 麦琪:卡罗尔,献媚这个词是什么意思?

    Maggie : Carol , would you please tell me what a sycophant is .

  14. 他总是对他的政界上司献媚。

    He always plays uptohis political boss .

  15. 我还知道他善于在宫廷里献媚,同时又是一个大胆的阴谋家。

    I knew him as a courtier , too , and as a bold intriguant .

  16. 向丹尼尔·格雷森献媚

    from cozying up to Daniel Grayson .

  17. 当董事长大驾光临我们办公室时,他期望全体职员向他献媚。

    The Chairman expects the entire staff to dance attendance on him when he designs to visit our office .

  18. 我当时就想,大家都对领导献媚,不敢提出反对意见。

    I think at that time , everybody is kittenish to the leader , dare not put forward crosscurrent .

  19. 她们与庸俗母亲共谋,向男性世界献媚,甚至发展至同性间的残酷厮杀。

    They schemed with their vulgar mother together , dolling up to the male world , and even fighting cruelly among the same sex .

  20. 我向父皇的妃子们谄谄献媚。我感觉就像野狗追逐脏老鼠一样恶心。

    And I show respect and give gifts to my father 's Concubines . Ah , I feel like a dog chasing dirty mice .

  21. 若那个男人既欺骗你或你的孩子又对你们献媚,不要嫁给他,和他订婚,或甚至不要和他在一起。

    Don 't marry , get engaged to or otherwise even associate with men who will either sell or buy you , your children or both .

  22. 这就像我们听别人说的模仿是最大的献媚,他也许会模仿你所做的一些事。

    It 's almost like when we hear people say that imitation is the highest form of flattery , he will probably imitate some of the things you do .

  23. 认为这些艺术家为了满足西方强势话语的观看大打中国牌,说白了就是在向西方献媚,满足了他们的猎奇。

    It is said that these artists make artworks of special china to satisfy western mighty word . Frankly , it is fawn on western world and satisfy there curiosity .

  24. 或者推动国家向市民社会献媚,形成以积极的市民社会为落脚点的第三条道路的新理论模式。

    Or promote the country to resort to cheap undisguised flattery to citizen 's society , form the new theory mode of " the third road " taking positive citizen 's society as temporary lodging .

  25. 一个是无家孤女,刚烈率真,疾恶如仇,向往平等,从不献媚于主子,到死都没有改变问罪于天的姿态;

    The former was an orphan who was upright , outspoken , hated evil like an enemy and longed for individual equality , and especially never trig to ingratiate herself with her master , then died tragically .

  26. 跑啊不论什么能让你快乐无论什么是你所想要你那么的特别我希望我也能是特别的但我只是个献媚者,只是个怪人我究竟在这儿做什么我不属于这里我不属于这里

    run Whatever makes you happy whatever you want You 're so very special I wish I was special But I 'm a creep , I 'm a weirdo What the hell am I doing here I don 't belong here I don 't belong here