
xiàn nà
  • Donate;offer opinion or advice;offer as a tribute, present
献纳 [xiàn nà]
  • (1) [make suggestions]∶委婉的提出意见以供接受、采纳

  • (2) [contribute]∶无代价地把东西献出

  • 献纳金银

  1. 此外,还成立了金属回收本部作为领导机关,在各地设立督励班,对各地区献纳情况进行督励。

    In addition , the Department also set up a metal recovery as a leading body of Governor Patrick set up at various classes in various areas " Hsien-na " situation for Governor Li .

  2. 文化政策研究,作为一个新锐的学科领域,存在于错综交迭的学术语境和学术论述中,提出了不同类型的议题疑问,献纳了多样化的研究方法与技能。

    Cultural policy research , as a raising discipline field , exists in many contexts , asks many different kinds of questions and adopts a wide repertoire of research methodologies from a raft of academic discourses .

  3. 记念你的一切供献,悦纳你的燔祭。(细拉)把这根铁丝拉长,一直拉到很细很细。

    " May he keep all your offerings in mind , and be pleased with the fat of your burned offerings ; ( Selah . )" Pull out the wire until it is very thin .